Saturday, March 15, from 2 – 5 p.m. at the library is free chocolate chip cookie day. Just drop in and grab yourself a cookie or two. Enjoy eating a cookie while working on the giant jigsaw puzzle or one of the on-going craft activities we have. Maybe chit-chat with a friend or two while you enjoy your cookie, or even take the cookie home. Whatever you choose to do is fine with us here at your library. We look forward to seeing you this Saturday.
Wednesday, March 19, from 10:30 – 11 a.m. is Story Time. Every Wednesday, these special 30 minutes are a time for young ones to enjoy a time of reading aloud. Story Time remains popular and continues to grow. As the program ends May 28, there’s only about three months left to enjoy. Story Time is held in the Pioneer Community Center in the lower room. Questions? Just call (360) 795-3254 or drop in to the library and we’ll help you out.
Youth Dungeons and Dragons is every second and fourth Thursday of the month from 6 – 8 p.m. at the Community Hall (below the library). The group is for sixth through 12th graders, with workshops scheduled on the first and third Thursday of the month from 6 – 7:30 p.m. While the current group is full, we will be starting a new Youth D&D group in about 4 weeks. We have the adult volunteers now, so call (360) 795-3254 if you’d like to join the new group, or drop by the library.
Every third Thursday, the Community Book Club meets from 3 – 4:30 p.m. The current selection is “Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail.” If you’re interested in joining, simply contact Joyce Orr at or stop by the library and discuss. The book club meets in the Community Room below the library. Their next meeting is Thursday, March 20.
Every day, we have quiet, Make and Take Craft activities for all ages. The activities get changed up all the time. Come, see and partake.
Have you heard of the Libby App? I know, I mention it all the time because it’s free, easy and available to all Wahkiakum county residents. If you have a free Cathlamet library card, you can have the Libby app on your phone, Kindle, tablet or laptop. The Libby app allows you free access to e-books, audio books, and digital magazines and is an amazing, free gateway to online resources. Not sure how to get the Libby app? Just stop in to the library and we can help you out. The process only takes a minute or two to help you get going with your free Libby app. Try it.
Last but not least, if you don’t have a free Cathlamet library card, stop in and we’ll get you one. As the kids say, it’s “easy peasy.” Reminder, the library is located at 115 Columbia St. and is open Wednesday from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Thursday through Saturday from 2 - 5 p.m.
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