Career Connected Learning was at the heart of the 4-H Robo Rascals' field trip to St. John's Medical Center. This young group of students were eager to play the role of the nurse or the patient, as they learned how to operate many pieces of equipment from the surgical floor. Medical staff came in on their day off to teach these students how they prep someone for surgery. Actions like taking blood pressure, using the vein finder, and hearing heartbeats with a stethoscope were some highlights.
Eventually, the bright lights of the operating room greeted them and they got hands-on experience with some of the tools used in surgery. This included a turn operating the controls of the da Vinci surgical robot. The fake patient of the day, Mary lay on the table for kids to practice their skills and a couple of students suited up in a gown and gloves like a doctor.
The final stop on the tour was the recovery room for children who have had surgery. Again, eager volunteers laid in the recovery bed to be doted on by their peers. Leg cuffs were added to help blood circulate and warm blankets covered the patients to keep them comfortable. Many questions were asked by inquiring minds who are at the age of dreaming of what they will be when they grow up.
Robo Rascals has already covered two of the four units they are learning about: electricity and engineering. This field trip was great timing as they will be starting their third unit on robotics. By the time school is out, they will also have covered basic CAD design in a program called Tinkercad.
Those interested in supporting the 4-H Robo Rascals Club with project supplies or more cool field trips like this can mail a check to Robo Rascals 4-H Club, PO Box 278, Cathlamet, WA, 98612 or drop it by the WSU Extension, 4-H Office at 25 River St, Suite E, Cathlamet. Office hours are Monday through Wednesday from 9 a.m - 3 p.m.
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