Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Clatskanie Public Works to work with Parks on path issue

During the Wednesday, Nov. 6 session of Clatskanie City Council, Clatskanie Parks and Recreation Director Dave True noted the Kiwanis Park path had "some heaving." Acknowledging the amount of $25,000 budgeted from the City, True noted "the pathway issue was not planned." According to the Nov. 6 meeting report, True “requested the City take money from the contingency fund to pay for half of the $13,400 estimated cost of repair.”

According to the report from the Nov. 6 meeting, City Manager Greg Hinkelman said he “would rather this be done as a CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) project next fiscal year.” Hinkelman also “highlighted a list of extra costs in the current year.” According to the report, Hinkelman said the City “could take from the contingency or the Timber Fund” but admitted “he doesn’t like to,” before the discussion returned to the issue of liability.

After suggestions like "the problem spots being marked with paint," Councilmember Bruce Jolma made a motion to put the matter on next month’s agenda “to discuss options for financing.” The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Continuing the discussion during the Dec. 4 session of City Council, True, having reviewed the service agreement between the city and the Parks and Recreation department, determined "Parks & Rec is responsible for minor maintenance and landscaping not to exceed 5%." True then withdrew his Nov. 6 request for cost-sharing of the walking path. Hinkelman noted the city "is willing to work with Parks & Recreation to repair the walking path" and requested Parks & Recreation "provide a CIP list for the upcoming city budget."

Mayor Robert Brajcich then asked if Public Works crews could repair the walking path. According to the Dec. 4 report, Public Works Director David Minor confirmed he "would coordinate with Public Works and Parks & Rec. to work on it."

Clatskanie City Council met again on Wednesday, Jan. 8, but the minutes were not available at the time of press. To access the Dec. 4 minutes and agenda items for the Jan. 8 meeting, visit


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