As transcribed by the Wahkiakum County Historical Society 2008 from original newspaper collection.
A bouncing baby daughter was born to Mrs. Aug. Hanney.
Rock Creek locals
A social party was held Saturday at the Hansen home. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hansen, Irene and Nola Hansen, The Misses Phoebe Hansen, Gertrude and Nellie Gell, Gladys Page, Ella Davis, Irene Thomas, Myra Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Hanigan, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rankin, and the Messrs. Luie, Clarance and Harry Page, Elmer and Geo. Thomas, and Master Cleeton Gell.
River gossip
The steel cage for the incarceration of insane patients arrived last week, and will be installed in the vacant upstairs room in the northwest corner of the courthouse. It cost $435 and is padded throughout.
Complying with the terms of his will which was not discovered until some days after his demise, relatives brought the body of John West to Cathlamet last Friday and it was interred in the family burying ground near the old cemetery. Only the simplest ceremonies were observed.
D. B. Chisholm, the known Astoria timberman, who formerly resided at Altoona, has purchased the Astoria Steam Laundry.
O. C. Arness, the owner of the Columbia Trading Company store, will erect a new residence in Athens next month. He owns 100x100 feet on the main street north of E. S. Snelling residence and the dwelling will be a 1 ½ story structure.
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