The proud winners of the annual Veterans Day Essay Contest were awarded a monetary gift and recognized by Veterans of Foreign Wars representatives Bill Tawater and Doug Schoppelrey. The winners from Julius A. Wendt Elementary and John C. Thomas Middle School had a special visit to their classrooms, and they were recognized with a check and certificate that recognized students for their impressive work and insightful essays.
Elementary students wrote to the prompt “How Should Our Veterans Be Treated,” while the middle school students wrote on the theme “My Voice in American Democracy.” Middle schoolers were required to write a 300-400-word essay and elementary students needed 250 words. Of the 45 students who entered the local contest, 12 essays were chosen. The winners will now move on to the district contest level.
The middle school winners were Jaxxon Rutherford 1st, Keely Cothren 2nd, and Chloe Sutton 3rd. The 5th-grade winners were Haven Gemeno 1st, Phillip O’Malley 2nd, and Emmaline Vik 3rd. The 4th-grade winners included Kendall Marsyla 1st, Shae Hurley 2nd, and Thomas Sutton 3rd. The 3rd-grade winners were Chase Cooper 1st, Kierra Hill 2nd, and Kenall Marsyla 3rd. Locally winning students receive $75, $50, and $25 respectively.
Inviting students to reflect on the significance of veterans’ service and sacrifice is the mission of this contest. Bill Tawater, VFW Postmaster, said, “The essay is important for youth to have a better understanding about what the sacrifice is for freedom and to live in America.”
The thoughtfulness of these essays and the gratitude expressed by students are a testament to the next generation’s commitment to honoring those who served. The winning students have been invited to the District 16 Scholarship Awards Luncheon in January.
The Veterans Day Essay Contest, hosted annually by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, is aimed at engaging young people in meaningful conversations about patriotism, service, and gratitude. This nationwide contest was established in 1947, with 25,000 participants on average. The national winner will receive $5,000. Congratulations to the Wahkiakum youth participants.
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