Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Naselle Grays-River Valley School Board Meeting

The Naselle-Grays River Valley School Board met for their monthly meeting on November 19. The board reviewed the minutes and actions taken at a special board meeting that was held on November 5 regarding the proposal to start a wrestling program. It was determined at that meeting that the wrestling program would proceed with advertising to hire a coach. There has been one application received for the position so far.

An update was given on the superintendent’s search. The brochure was sent out to 3,500 contacts nationwide. Personal invitations to apply were sent to 120 potential candidates. So far, thirteen candidates have requested applications. Some of the people who applied last time have applied again. Board members were asked to review the interview questions prior to the next meeting.

Several personnel actions were voted on and approved for the hiring of various coaches for the basketball season, a coach for the knowledge bowl, and the approval of a leave of absence through the end of the school year for one of the bus drivers.

There was a lengthy discussion related to the ongoing issue of the stadium light retrofit. Quotes have been obtained to replace the existing lights. A motion was moved and approved to proceed with the replacement, not to exceed $40,000. However, there is additional electrical work that needs to be done which could make the project too expensive. With other facility priorities, altenatives to replacing the lights may need to be looked at, including moving to Saturday games. There will be more discussion at the next meeting after more information is obtained.

Principal Justin Laine gave an update on school events including the well-attended veteran’s assembly, and updates on sporting results in cross country, volleyball, and football. He also gave updates on the Knowledge Bowl and the robotics program.

Superintendent Lisa Nelson gave an update on enrollment numbers. There was a drop of two students bringing enrollment down to 302, however, there was a gain of five students in the last month so enrollment should be trending in the other direction. The Christmas program is scheduled for December 11 at 6:30 p.m.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 19, at 6:30 p.m. in the school library. Meetings can also be attended via Zoom.


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