Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Skamokawa News

Rosburg Bazaar, New phone number, Harvest dinner, Travelers

SOGGY START. As I begin this column, it is definitely a gloomy, wet, and windy Sunday out here in West Valley. It was so bad for a while that our satellite reception was totally blocked out. At any rate, those who wanted the rain definitely got some but supposedly by Friday we may have a dry streak of three days so that would make it nice for the beginning of November. I still can’t believe October is over...yikes! Where is the time going? At any rate, it’s definitely time to winterize and get ready for the fun that usually accompanies the wet and cold season around here so prepare accordingly. The sooner the better really.

SPECIAL DAYS. Those celebrating birthdays from Oct. 31 thru Nov. 6 are: Michelle Nickolaus, Nicole McKinley, Greg Parke, Elaine Britt, Miley Montgomery, Brad McNally, Aubrea Helms, Anna Kuhn, Ginger Moonen, Pete Cooper, Chelsea Paulsen, Marsha Souvenir, Mary Simpson Moonen, Starla Hanson, Phil Corbin, Mitchel Vik, Ashlynn Grasseth, Michael Watkins, Teylor Sauer, Carol Carver, Diane Tischer, Lisa Robinson, Brody Ashe, Jesse Holm, April Murdock, James Turner, Wesley Strang, Kaden Chevalier, Linda Palmer Spieth and Libby Davison.Those celebrating anniversaries this week are: Erick and Rachelle Velazquez, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Dickson and Skylar and Shelby Grasseth. Here’s to wonderful celebrations this coming week!

HALLOWEEN TIME. Well, I know a lot of folks took their kids to the early Halloween doings this past weekend. The local bars had their big Halloween doings then too but really today is Thursday and it is Halloween so there is still a pretty good chance that you’ll have trick or treaters at your door this evening so keep some candy by your door as you certainly don’t want to get tricked! Plus, according to Rene Westbrook, beginning at 4:30 p.m. there will be a “Halloween Trunk or Treat and Parade” up at the Wahkiakum High School parking lot so you can always take the kids up there to pick up their treats. The parade is for kids and costumed adults but does not include cars and floats. This will take place about 5:15 to 5:30 p.m. I do hope the weather cooperates a little bit and does not “rain on their parade” so to speak. It’s a 50/50 forecast at this time so I guess we’ll see how it all works out. I do hope if you’re out and about in the dark, that kids and adults are wearing some bright kind of reflective gear or carrying flashlights. It can be really dangerous out there when everyone is wearing dark clothing and costumes. Stay safe!

NOT LEFSE TIME. Yes indeed, this is usually the time of year when the Sons of Norway would be fixing up some of their Norwegian goodies and it is listed on the calendar for this weekend. However, I talked to SON member, Virginia Ostling and since President Jan Silvestri has not been well they opted not to have that sale this weekend. They will be having their monthly meeting at the Norse Hall on Nov. 6 at 7 p.m. to see if this event can be rescheduled to a different date. I will let you know as soon as I know. At this meeting they will be holding their election of officers. All members are urged to attend.

NEW PHONE NUMBER. Speaking of changes, you may not have heard yet, but the Skamokawa Post Office now has a new telephone number. Be sure to make corrections to your telephone directory/address book or on your cell phone. The new number came as a bit of a surprise to the staff after the post office changed carriers. The new telephone is 360-795-1085.

ROSBURG HOLIDAY BAZAAR. I do hope you’ll head down to the Rosburg Hall this Saturday Nov. 2 from 10- 3 p.m. for their annual Holiday Bazaar. Frieda Footh told me that they have lots of vendors with many crafts, jewelry, baked goods, and more for you to buy and they’d love to see you there doing a little early Christmas shopping. You don’t have to worry about stopping to go and have lunch somewhere else either as according to a poster put up by Nick Nikkila that I saw on Facebook, they will be having chicken, salad, dinner roll, dessert, and a variety of beverages for $10 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

HARVEST DINNER. Well, the following week, on Friday, Nov. 8 at 6 p.m. there will be a Harvest Dinner up at Johnson Park, which is a fund- raiser for the JP Community Center. They will be serving up Elk and Pork Meatballs in Cranberry Sauce, Chicken Marsala, Creamy Baked Salmon Pasta, Roasted Root Vegetables, Pumpkin Squash Soup, Kale and Mushroom Saute, salad, and cornbread. For dessert it’s pumpkin pie, muffins, cupcakes, cookies, and vegan pumpkin pie. All these items are locally sourced and you’re welcome to attend. The poster said this is being presented by “Altoona Grows” and all foods are locally sourced but unfortunately did not say a price or list a phone number to call for more information so I can’t tell you any more than that.

TRAVELERS. It’s always great to see pictures of our local kids doing some traveling and this week, I got to see a couple of them. I saw where Austin Smith, grandson of Tom and Rosalie Webb, and son of Lorie and Steve Smith, traveled with Bryce Zimmer and Coleman Rogers across the states to New York City. Cool! There was lots of sunshine while he was checking out the Statue of Liberty and taking in the sights. He also met up with a cousin Jenny Moss and snapped a great picture while walking over the Brooklyn Bridge. They definitely enjoyed nicer weather than we did! Also, traveling back east was another Mule and former resident, which happens to be my son Pete Sechler, as he completed his quest to visit all fifty states this year.Awesome! Along with his wife Katie they managed to go to Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. With blue skies, sunshine, and gorgeous fall scenery, Pete completed his journey. I always think it’s great for our small-town kids who grew up in this tiny little county to branch out and see all the wonders of our vast and varied country as there are so many different things to explore, experience, and enjoy. We may live in the same country but boy, the differences between the various regions from North to South, and East to West, and in between are many. We certainly don’t sound like the folks in Boston, nor the folks in Georgia, or the folks in Minnesota. We eat different things in different ways and our states may have some similarities but some are wildly different. It’s great to get out there and explore all these different states, regions, and counties as a broadening the mindset can be enlightening.

CLOSED NOW. Well, our county museum is now closed for the season and I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to wrap up this time by being there, but I wound up “under the weather” and so my plans for the day went kaput! Remember, if you do have a special group or request to view the museum during the winter months contact Kari Kandoll at 360-849-4353, and she may be able to accommodate you. Meanwhile, a great Christmas gift for the museum would be to send a nice donation to: WCHS, 65 River Street, Cathlamet, WA 98612. Even if we each give a little, it adds up to be a lot. Please help!

COMING UP. Don’t forget that the Friends of Skamokawa have their online auction starting up this Friday, Nov. 1 and it goes until Nov. 10. The online address is and they will be having their “Deck the Hall” event up at the hall also with the upper floor devoted to Christmas centerpieces and more. They will be open from Nov. 23 thru Dec. 15 and will be closed on Thanksgiving. They will be serving warm cider and cookies too. Don’t miss it! Need more info? Call 360-795-3007. There are a couple of things happening next weekend, and one is the Flea Market and T-Building Sale at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 9- 3 p.m. and the other is the monthly Bingo over at the Norse Hall. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and games begin at 6:00 p.m. Also, on Nov. 9, in the evening is the big “Shop with a Cop” event at the Duck Inn. We do hope you’ll bring that fun, bidding spirit with you, along with your wallet and make Christmas super special for a bunch of kids this year.

SORRY. I often get messages on “Messenger” for upcoming events, however, there was a time when Facebook was just not cooperating and I wasn’t able to get them or send any of them either. When I finally got it back up and running, I got a lot of IM’s but there was nothing too important sent to me, so I was relieved. Unfortunately, a host of those IM’s came in this past Sunday and I’m so sorry that I didn’t receive them until it was way too late. Ugh! If I don’t respond to Messenger in a day or two please call me directly (phone number listed above) and let me know what you’d like me to post. Often times technology just doesn’t work like we think it’s going to and especially not out here in the sticks.

SAD NEWS. We were so sorry to hear of the passing of Larry D. Holland this past weekend. I know that it really took most of us by complete surprise. We want to send our sincerest condolences to his wife Deb in Cathlamet and the rest of his family, which includes his sister, Linda Toste up in Westport, WA. RIP Larry, you will be missed by many.

FALL BACK. In closing, don’t forget to “Fall Back” this Sunday or other words, set your clocks back before you go to bed on Saturday night, so you’ll wake up at the correct hour and enjoy that extra hour of sleep!      


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