Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Middle school leaders shining bright

The John C. Thomas Middle School Associated Student Body leaders are looking forward to

a great year as they embark on developing their

personal leadership skills while serving their student body.

The ASB officers are required to take the

Leadership class, taught by Carrie Badger. In this

class they learn how to become leaders and serve

other people by recognizing their own strengths

and weaknesses, while enhancing the school experience for their peers. “It’s so exciting to watch

the kids enter Leadership as a 7th grader questioning their ability to accomplish hard tasks and

leaving as an 8th grader saying ‘I can’t believe I

did it.’ That is one of the most rewarding parts of

my job.”

The 2024-25 leadership team is President Konner Reese, Vice President Ava Mendez, and Communication Director Ailyss Phalen.

Reese shares his enthusiasm in serving on the

team and is excited for upcoming events next week

surrounding their first spirit week. Students are

encouraged to dress up each day: Monday- Mismatch Day, Tuesday- Twin Day , Wednesday- Use

Anything but a Backpack and Thursday- Decades

Day. “I’m excited about working with the high

school and going up there for weights and Algebra. I want to make the school a better place.”

Participating in leadership class has opened

doors for many students to discover their personal

potential, especially Phalen who serves the team

as the Communications Representative. “Leadership class has taught me that I have leadership skills I didn’t know I have and that I can be good

at things I thought I couldn’t.” Ailyss is excited to

be involved this year and to serve on the team to

help build community in the middle school.

For many students this is the first opportunity to develop and show their leadership skills off

the court or playing field. Not only is the leadership class mining talent and boosting confidence

in the middle school students, it is teaching them

the value of the community and student diversity

around them. President Konner Reese has a goal

to “make things better for the next classes.”

“ASB and Leadership class have already been

working hard to connect with the incoming 6th

graders to create an environment where they are

welcomed and valued as individuals,” shared Mrs.


Upcoming events for the ASB include Spirit

Week, lunch-time school activities, and holiday

food drives to name a few.


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