To The Eagle
The real value of $100 bill in purchasing power is lowest in CA $88, HI $89 and WA $90. The highest $100 purchasing value was $113 in AR MS; $112 in AL, IA, SD; $111 in ND, KY, WV; $110 in KS, MT, ND, NE. So in 12 states a $100 bill is worth $20+ dollars more than in Washington State. (see The issue is, our money is worth less in WA than in 47 other States. We should ask Governor Inslee and the Washington legislature why they failed to protect our state’s economic solvency and soundness. Good state leadership prevents problems like this. I fear this situation was intentional and avoidable, I want my dollar bill to be worth MORE, not less. In my opinion this situation truly hurts the poor, the elderly and those living on fixed incomes.
Rick Fritz,
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