Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Teacher Feature: Athletics boost academic achievement

Our focus this week is the impact of teaching and influence of sports to inspire well rounded athletes. We highlight three teacher's backgrounds in coaching as they share what impact the classroom has on sports and academic achievement.

Tina Merz has 28 years of experience and is currently teaching sixth through eighth grade English Language, Arts and Career Explorations. Merz coaches high school volleyball, high school track and middle school boys basketball. She said that "ever since I was little, I played in school. I was passionate about others and helping kids. I love it when I see the light bulb come on. It's the most amazing feeling ever." Merz is motivated by being around kids and the energy kids bring. She likes to help kids find their passion. Her hobbies include spending time with family, farm life, gardening, traveling to Montana, and sports. Merz is also looking forward to waking up with a new sense of wonder. "This year I feel enlightened with a new sense of purpose." She is excited about the four day school week and the new methods she has learned from summer professional development. She says, "learning new things helps me to be more focused."

Kayli Hurley has 10 years of experience and is currently teaching Civics, Algebra, tenth and twelfth grade English, Sociology and AP Human Geography. Hurley coaches high school volleyball. She wants to help kids feel successful and enjoys working with students who are struggling.

Hurley is motivated by "seeing kids get it both in school and from coaching. Engaging the students and seeing them give things a shot." Her hobbies include chauffeuring her kids. She is also looking forward to working closely with colleagues in practice and co-teaching several classes. Hurley says, "exposing students to opportunities and new content with diverse teaching styles is fun." Hurley and Merz coach the high school volleyball team and share the sentiment of how athletics boost academic achievement. "Athletes learn grit, teamwork, perseverance, selflessness and focus."

Nicole Wilson has 28 years of experience and currently teaches third grade. Wilson really likes kids and has coached baseball, soccer and basketball. Her hobbies include spending time with her son Mason and kid's sports. Wilson looks forward to the growth potential of her students. Athletics teach valuable skills such as time management, making priorities and staying on track.


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