To The Eagle,
I wish to submit a correction and comment to your summary of the impacts of PUD/Town utility consolidation study in the “PUD Report” published in the July 11, 2024 edition of the Eagle.
Your report states “Consolidation of these utilities could mean lower prices for consumers and greater efficiencies for utility operators.” This may be true for customers outside the Town of Cathlamet but is definitely NOT accurate for utility customers within the Town of Cathlamet.
The PUD study states “the water bill for a residential customer inside the Town limits would increase by about 10 percent, on average, at current PUD water rates. The bill for residential customers outside the Town limits would decrease by about 15 percent.”
The Town stands to face serious losses including a majority of Public Works staff along with internal staff support. The draft PUD Study admits the Town will lose jobs, efficiencies and economies of scale. The study proposes that “impacts could potentially be mitigated through increases in utility taxes or implementation of a utility franchise and associated franchise fee.” The Town currently maintains the Library, the Julia Butler Hansen Pool, and City streets and parks.
I highly respect the PUD’s excellent record in providing high quality electric and water (outside the Town) service in Wahkiakum County but such a merger should not come at the expense of the citizens and rate payers of the Town of Cathlamet. The fact that the PUD would do a good job with utilities does not mean the Town is currently doing a bad job. To the contrary, even with limited resources and staff, the Town is proud of its long standing record of providing good water and wastewater services to the citizens of Cathlamet.
This study should not move forward without a public hearing and comment from the citizens of Cathlamet. Thank you for considering my comments.
David C. Olson, Mayor
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