The GFWC-Cathlamet Woman's Club gathered with the community on Flag Day, Friday, June 14th, at the Julia Butler Hansen rose garden to celebrate Julia Butler Hansen's 117th birth date and to honor our 2023 Citizen of the Year, Jan Silvestri. A velvety black red rose named Ink Spots was planted in Jan's honor. Her rose is planted alongside the roses of the other citizens of the year going back to 2006. Music was provided by Susan Bate singing "America the Beautiful" with rain drops falling. The program was cut short this year due to an impromptu rainshower so the festivities were continued at the Community Center where a plaque is located with the nams of past Citizens of the Year.
Silvestri will also be honored by being driven at the head of the parade on Bald Eagle Days. All of these accolades are appropriate for a person who has given a lifetime of service to our community.
The GFWC-Cathlamet Woman's Club began honoring citizens for volunteerism in 1993. Club members have worked respectfully with David Hansen through the years to water and weed the rose garden part of the yard.
The Cathlamet Woman's Club continues to celebrate 94 years of community service as part of the General Federation of Women's Clubs which is an international non-partisan organization dedicated to improving local communities through volunteer service. Members embody Living the Volunteer Spirit. The club meets the first Tuesday of the month at the Hotel Cathlamet with social time beginning at 12:30, meeting at 1 pm.
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