Berries, benefit at the "O", Fair clean up
MIXED BEGINNING--As this week begins, we seem to have sunshine one minute, then it begins to get pretty windy and the clouds roll in as we get a bit of moisture falling on us. So when it's sunny, one has to hurry and get chores done quickly before Old Man Weather changes his mind again! If the forecast holds, we may have cloudy weather but no rain as this month winds down, but we'll just have to wait and see if that holds up or not.
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from May 23-29 are Elle Britt, Bryson Havens, Mitch Moonen, Scarlet Engle, Wes McClain, Serene Snow, Devin Helms, Asher Frink, Katie Vegvary, Kolbi Robinson, Jeanne Paulsen, Bonnie Bigler, Kelly Hammond, Natalie Wise, Bill Faubion, Willie Johnson, Lisa Marsyla, Julie Black, Keil Parker, Jeff Vik, Denley Bardsley, Brooks Olsen, Mark Schubert, Marilyn West, Patty LaBerge, Jon Peterson, Lennie Clark, Tiernan Cochran, Mary Jo Brown, Katrina Pedersen Freeman, Lisa Sechler and 67'er Linda Holland Toste. Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Mr. and Mrs. Tony Danker, Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzpatrick, Pete and Marja Ringen and Tylor and Chandler Nortrup. Enjoy!
THURSDAY BREAKFAST--If you're reading this paper on Thursday morning, you might have time to zip down to the Skamokawa Grange Hall and enjoy their Community Breakfast from 10 to noon, as well as visit with lots of folks you've never met. If you'd like to bring a goodie to share, that's awesome and if you'd like to donate to the food pantry with some food items, that would be appreciated. If you'd like to donate some of the items they use all the time like coffee, or creamers or biscuits and gravy, that would be most welcomed and of course, if you'd like to help out with the rental fees, that would really be terrific as without cash donations, the event at the hall wouldn't happen at all. All are welcome!
FRIDAY DEADLINE--The early deadline for the car registration for the "Cruizin’ to the Fair Car Show" is tomorrow, Friday, May 24, so contact Patty at the fairgrounds 360-795-3480. The early registration gets you certain perks, so if you're going to enter the show, which will take place Saturday, June 1, you'll want to call or go down there this Friday.
CLEAN UP DAY--On Saturday, May 25, it will be "clean up day at the fairgrounds" beginning at 10 a.m., so bring your gloves and favorite tools, and get ready to spruce of the fairgrounds, which will be bustling with activities this summer as always.
BIG WEEKEND AHEAD--This is the big three day weekend as Memorial Day is next Monday, May 27. Most folks wind up heading out someplace special for this holiday that marks the beginning of the end of Spring and close to the end of the school year and it's "oh so close" to Summer. So, be mindful of the extra traffic on the highways and byways and I hope folks would slow down just a bit, pack your patience and be mindful of others as we don't need anymore senseless tragedies on our roadways. Here's to some good weather and good times this holiday weekend.
AT THE "O"--A big shout out to Tracey McCallum for spearheading the "Benefit for Bo" event at “The O” this past Saturday evening and of course, her big helpers that came through by donating their time and getting items for the silent auction, and to the very special folks who donated huge gifts like a week long stay in Kona, HI and many gift baskets and gift certificates from our local restaurants and other local businesses; you all rock! To the winners of the silent auction; your support was certainly appreciated and the only one I'm upset with was the gal who outbid me. Just kidding! Here's hoping this event helped the family of Bo Wages who has been dealing with health issues and could use all the help that we can give them.
BERRY REMINDER--I mentioned last week about the Frozen Berry Sales that will be held by the Wahkiakum Lions Club, so this is just a quick reminder that there are forms around town so that you can order them, and the last day to do that will be June 18, with pickup date of June 22. If you cannot find a form or my last week’s column, please call 360-355-0871 and you can find out all the varieties of berries that are available, as well as their costs.
INTERPRETIVE CENTER--The Friends of Skamokawa would like to invite you to their historic hall, formerly Central School, at MP 29 across from the Skamokawa Store/Resort and check out their new array of goodies in their gift shop. There is also a great selection of books in the book section of the Gift/Book Shop at the hall, so they hope you'll stop by on either a Saturday or a Sunday afternoon. Once you're there, you'll definitely want to head up the stairs so you can see the panels on the wall of the River Life Interpretive Center and check out the amazing views from there, especially on a sunny day!
STILL COLLECTING DONATIONS--You will have three more Wednesdays in which you can donate your good, usable items to the Puget Island Fire Auxiliary group, so if you are doing some spring cleaning and would like to donate that extra blender or mixing bowls or extra set of BBQ tools, now's your chance to part with them and help the folks raise some money so they can continue to do good works for the community. Head over to the Puget Island Fire Hall on either May 29, June 5 or June 12 from 3 to 8 p.m., and they will be happy to take those things off your hands to sell during the PIGYS sale, June 21-23; thanks!
CLASSMATE IS VISITING--To all those who were in the WHS Class of 1967, don't forget that your former classmate, Sharon (Stout) Servis and new husband, Paul Kovalski, will be at the Duck Inn on June 1 at noon for a no host lunch and would like to see as many of you there as possible. Please call me at my number above to let me know you'll be able to attend so we can make sure the wait staff can accommodate all of us. This will be the first time many of us have seen her for years, so this should make for a great gab session as we all try to catch up with one another since those "good ole days" back at WAH-KI-HI, when it was new! Which goes to show you how old we are; ha ha!
SYMPATHY-- I got a call from Bev (Danielsen) England, who told me that her cousin, Bob Pedersen, had passed away on May 2 at his home in Centralia. He grew up on Puget Island and graduated from WHS Class of 1960. He was also a cousin of Amanda (Punky) Tover Chambers, formerly of Puget Island now of Longview, while Bev is now living in Idaho. We'd like to send our sincere condolences to all Bev and Punky and all of Bob’s friends and family members.
TIME IS FLYING BY--With time going by at the speed of light lately, it's dang near June and so that means it's really going to get busy. We've got WA-KI-HI graduates thinking of their last days at school, and I'm sure that's pretty exciting, as well as maybe a little bit scary as they head off into the next chapter of their lives. As they leave their high school years behind, I always send out this same message every year, as whether they are looking for a job or headed to a new school, etc., I think it is very relevant: "You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so make it a good one!"
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