Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Spring tea,chicken dinner, white cane days

Spring weather has certainly been on the damp side around our neck of the woods lately and I'm eagerly awaiting a bit of a warm up as they say we may have a few dry days on the way....that would be great! Beings they say we are in a drought already, I hate to complain about the rain but on the other hand, it's hard to make things grow when it cold and soaking wet. I know lots of folks are wanting to get that yard work done too, which always take a quite a bit of time, so if you're a fair weather yard person like me, I'm sure you'd like to see some dry days coming soon too!

SHOULDN'T COMPLAIN. While I'm being mildly inconvenienced with this weather, I really should not be complaining, as we have all been witnessing the massive amount of storms and tornados to hit the mid-west lately and they are dealing with utter devastation in many areas. Just super tragic as this massive twisters just rip through an area, leaving next to nothing behind them. Then there are the "weird" sights, that make you scratch your head, as an entire living and kitchen area will be gone from a house, yet the book shelves and decorations are still sitting on the shelf as if nothing happened at all...amazing. For all those here, that have family members back in the path of these storms, I do hope they'll be safe.

SPECIAL DAYS. It's officially May....the fifth month of this year already...yikes! Those celebrating birthdays this coming week from May 2 thru 8 are: Laurie Michaels, Lori Parke, Tami Bosch, Eva Snow, Connor Emlen-Petterson, Brandon Bennett, Nicholas La Berge, Stephanie Moonen, Rosie DeBriae, Nick Deal, Dave Hendrickson, Denise Peek, Navarre Stewart, Bob Cothren, Jeff Ostling, Maria Snow, Matthew Freeman, Everly Zickefoose and Austin Good. Those celebrating their anniversaries this week are: Kerry and Susan Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Treasure Collupy, Gary and Sandie York, Mr. and Mrs. Monte Robinson and Gabe and Annie Pedersen. Belated anniversary wishes to David and Laurie Michaels, who celebrated their special day back on April 28....hope you had a good one! May each and every one of you enjoy your special days in the coming week!

WHITE CANE DAYS. Please help support the Wahkiakum Lions Club this week as they hold their annual "White Cane Days" this Friday and Saturday, May 3 and 4. Members will be around various stores in our local area raising money for their Local Sight and Hearing Foundation and if you've ever needed glasses or a test to check you out, then these are the folks that can help you out with those. If you have any questions, contact Terri Elfers at:

MUSEUM OPENS. Just another quick reminder that our county museum, located at 65 River Street, will be opening up this weekend, so stop on by either Saturday or Sunday from 1 to 4 and help support our local Historical Society. As always, new members and new helpers/hosts are always needed and welcomed and so if you're interested, let them know. Due to a bit of an "oops" on my part, (aka: fall) I was unable to help out with the scheduled cleaning that I mentioned last week. There will always be outside work that needs doing so if you are able to help out in that way, please know it would appreciated.

TEA/NEW SIGN. If you're heading down here to Skamokawa for the Spring Tea hosted by the Friends of Skamokawa this Saturday, you will see a new sign on the side of the historic building. This sign was set up to help clear up the often mistaken use of the building, as many kept thinking it had been a church....nope! This building started out as a schoolhouse, and now that new sign lets you know that and when it was built, which was in 1894, so now that will be cleared up. It was called the Central School, as before this was built, there were little schools in all the various valleys and so this was constructed so that all the kids could be in one "central" place. It's undergone a lot over the years, but after much neglect and a need to keep and restore this historic place, the Friends of Skamokawa was formed in the late eighties and they purchased it and have lovingly made it the show case that it is today, with a nice book and gift store and the wonderful Interpretive Center on the second floor. If you haven't been down here yet to check it out, please do so on Saturday & Sunday from: 12 to 4. 360-795-3007.

CHICKEN DINNER THIS SUNDAY. For a great dinner and a good cause, it's time to head down to the Rosburg Hall this Sunday, May 5 for one of their annual Chicken Dinner specials. Yes indeed, this chicken dinner with mashed potatoes is served up to you after you've enjoyed a cruise through their salad bar, which always has a wide variety of some of my favorite salads. After enjoying those items, then you'll get your choice of some fabulous desserts, and you get it all for just $12.50 per person, which is a good deal these days....especially for all that home cookin'! This dinner is being served up between 11:30 and 2....enjoy!

DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS. Once again, the directors of the Wahkiakum Dollars for Scholars are asking you for your help during their annual "Mule Power" scholarship drive, which includes an online auction. Naturally, the more gift items/baskets that are donated, the better the auction will be and the more money is raised for the kids. All the proceeds from the auction go toward scholarships for the graduates of WA-KI-HI. If you don't want to donate an item for the auction, but would still like to help, you may send a cashiers' cash/personal check/money order donations to them instead. These should be made out to Wahkiakum Dollar for Scholars and mailed directly to: "Mule Power", c/o Diane Tischer, 223 N Welcome Slough Rd., Cathlamet, WA 98612 or Wahkiakum Dollars for Scholars, P.O. Box 498, Cathlamet, WA 98612. These donations are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt for your donation. This auction will take place from May 24th at noon thru June 9th at 6 PM. To take part in the auction during those dates, go to: If you have any questions just call Diane Tischer at: 360-562-6467 or Doug Martin at: 360-751-4497. Let's go Mule our kids!

PLANT SALE SOON. So many folks wonder where they can pick up some plants and help a good cause while they're at it, and well, I'm telling you, here's your chance! The Wahkiakum Master Gardeners will be hosting their annual Plant Sale up at Erickson Park (Columbia Street) on two different Tuesdays from 10 AM to 1 PM, so mark down May 14 and May 21 on your calendars today and don't miss out on this fabulous opportunity. All monies made will go right back into the garden in order to keep new crops growing and helping support our community with fresh food, as well as knowledge from the Master Gardeners who will be on hand to answer any questions you might have when it comes to making those plants grow successfully.

FAIR HELP. I mentioned this before, but here's a reminder that your help is still needed at the county fair in August, as Marti Vavoudis says she still needs two superintendents for the Quilt/Sewing section that is located in the T-Building. Please contact her at: or look her up on Facebook, or if you don't have internet, you could probably leave a message at the County Fair office number, 360-795-3480. (Note: There is not always somebody there however.)

HELP BLOOMS. The volunteers, called Wahkiakum Blooms, could use a little help putting thesepretty pots together so Puget Island Gardens, located at 520 SR 409, is now accepting donations for them, so it's a gret collaborations between like minded people. Here's hoping they get a bit of "oomph" to make our area prettier, as the need for new soil, organic fertilizer and plants is definitely a must to make these planters look great and thrive. If you want to make a cash donation, you can also drop one off at the Chamber of Commerce located on Main Street or you can just go online: . Those who could donate $49.99 or more, even get a plaque placed in one of the flower pots in recognition of your generosity.

PUGET ISLAND FIRE DEPT/AUX. Once again the PIFD Auxiliary is looking for usable donations in order to raise some money during the Puget Island Garage and Yard Sales event coming up next month....June 21, 22 and 23. So, if you're looking to do some Spring cleaning and you find yourself with some "extras" that are perfectly good but no longer needed, please think about giving it to them. Sherrill Bollen tells me that there will be some days coming soon where you will be able to just drop things off....but dates and times are yet to be determined. However, if you simply could not bring these things to the fire department, just contact either Sherrill at: 360-951-3985 or Liz at: 360-200-2247 and they can probably arrange to have things picked up. If you'd like to make a cash donation to this group, mail to: WFD #1 AUX, P.O. Box 627, Cathlamet, WA 98612.

CAR SHOW AT FAIRGROUNDS. The Fifth Annual "Cruzin' to the Fair Car Show" will be taking place on June 1st, so now's the time to get that registration in early, as it has some perks at: This is always a fun event so with it being just a month away, tell your friends and tell them that now is the time to get that car shined up and ready to go!

SPEEDY HEALING. A fine musician and nearby neighbor, Greg Parke, had to have knee surgery recently and we certainly wish him a speedy recovery as with all the good weather coming ( we hope) and lots of Summer gigs in mind, he's got a lot of places to go and lots of folks to entertain! Here's hoping all goes well for him! Take care Greg!

      I was happy to learn that Phil Corbin is now home and doing quite well, so that was good to hear. I mentioned him last week after he had a heart attack and took a nasty fall from a ladder and needed immediate surgery. So happy to see he's doing much better. I also spotted Cindy Faubion out and about after she really messed up her ankle/foot but with her handy-dandy "knee scooter", she was getting around pretty good....whew! Good to see ya Cindy; may you continue to heal nicely!

AS ALWAYS. Every Wednesday the seniors meet over on Puget Island at Our Saviors Lutheran Church at noon for a few hours of chat, games, food & more.....please join them if you can. Also, every Thursday, we have a free Community Breakfast down here at the Skamokawa Grange Hall from 10 to 1, so bring your mug, bring a treat to share or just bring yourself for a bit of gab!

FYI....I am currently unable to get Messages via Messenger thru Facebook, but you can post something on my FB page and I'd see it, or you can email me with the address provided above, or you can just use the old fashioned method of picking up the phone and giving me call at the number up above as that still works too...ha! Thanks to all those who reached out to me.


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