Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Censure Resolution

Town Council

This Document is an official Censure of the Mayor of Cathlamet, David Olson, by the Town Council of Cathlamet due to his continuing and expanding interference in Council work/duties/meetings. These actions include but are not limited too:

Initiating denigrating letters/emails/conversations with others including the PUD, MRC and Chamber of Commerce regarding council-member roles, duties and responsibilities; orally casting aspersions on Council Members during public meetings and aggressively interrupting/barking disagreement with statements made by Council Members during public meetings; encouraging, creating and maintaining a hostile and toxic work environment for council members and at council meetings sabotaging the effectiveness of the council and therefore the Town and citizens.

The Mayor’s intolerable behavior and his many refusals to listen to or accept Council's feedback, opinions or decisions has increased to the point that working with the Mayor has become an unpleasant chore as opposed to the working relationship required to benefit the Town.

Town of Cathlamet municipal codes plainly define the role of Mayor and his/her duties vis-à-vis the Town Council.

2.00.010 states “The mayor is the chief executive and administrative officer of the town in charge of carrying out the policies set by the town council and of seeing that local laws are enforced.”

The Mayor’s continued interference with Town Council is causing undue stress.

his actions have resulted in a toxic environment during meetings and are detrimental to the workings of the Council. The Mayor has ignored these responsibilities despite repeated warning of interference by the Council.

The Council expects the Mayor to cease and desist these behaviors and allow the Members to function as designed, without undue interference and with the respect due to their role in the governance of the Town.


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