Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Publisher's note

Public meeting coverage in the paper has been sparse for a while now. This is a short-term problem due to staffing. We support public meeting coverage as a vital component of local news and we are working to get this content back in the paper as soon as we can.

Stacey and Ian are doing a great job getting the newspaper out each week. I work full-time at Microsoft and contribute to The Eagle as I can. Brandon works in theater and has done the same. None of us are formally trained for newspaper publishing. Each week, we learn new things, fix some mistakes from the week before, and make some new ones.

We are working on inviting more writers to contribute to the paper. The Eagle has always been a community-driven endeavor, and we need to lean into that now. How can you contribute? You can help us keep the community informed. Please send us information on events you’re organizing. We have provided some guidelines below to help make this easier. If you are available to go to a public meeting and write up a summary of what happened, please reach out!


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