The Collabrorative Partners Initiative will be offering county residents free help with the working families tax credit at the Cathlamet Fire Station on Saturday, March 30th from 12:30pm-4:30pm, and at the DeBriae Meeting Room 255 2nd Streetin Cathlamet. The group will also be at the Longview Public Library, 1600 Louisiana Street on Saturday, March 23rd from 12pm to 4pm. On both days, they will be providing Free Tax Help to individuals and families so they can claim the working families tax credit. This is a new program from Washington State that supports low to moderate income families by returning a portion of sales tax to them. If a family typically qualifies for the Earned Income Tax Credit, they will usually qualify for the Working Families Tax Credit. The maximum credit ranges from $315 -$1255 depending on the number of qualifying children. Residents can sign up through email at: or by phone 360-663-5883 or through our scheduling calendar: Collabrorative Partners are a community partner with the Department of Revenue
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