Jordan White encouraged dancers to keep their knees relaxed as he bounced his way through the Swing Dance workshop at Little Island Creamery Friday night.
"Use the pulse!" he said.
Little Island Creamery, located on Puget Island, has been expanding their venue's activities to include Sunday family movies, live music and a variety of dance styles. Owner Kathleen McDonald, reached out to White through social media advertising.
The class started at 7:30 p.m., after the cows had been milked. According to McDonald, the milking goes better if it's quiet on the second level of the barn. The cows get upset hearing loud noises overhead during milking. Event attendees agree to keep activities quiet until after 7:15.
Jordan White was introduced to swing dancing by a friend who invited him to a Portland dance club. As a musician and artist, he was immediately inspired by the social environment.
"As a youth, I didn't have much opportunity to partner dance or listen to a variety of music styles. I was taken with the casual and friendly environment of the dancing as well as the classy sounds of swing. It was a new experience for me."
White patiently demonstrated the steps to the Shim Sham, a commonly performed routine danced at Swing Dance events. Shim Sham was inspired by tap dancers from the 1930's. Its lively stomps and simple steps can be done by beginners and experienced dancers alike.
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