News of Western Wahkiakum County and Naselle
Suddenly it dawned on me, spring is here. Daffodils are up in my hydrangea barrel and the daffodils are starting to bloom at Naselle Coffee and yes, Bendog is snoring in the sun on the porch. Life is good and full and smiles are the best part of the day. Happy Spring, everyone. It might freeze, but then again, it might not, so that's why I'm smiling today.
Brownsmead Flats:
There are several things I want you to know about so let's start with the Brownsmead Flats folks from Oregon performing in concert at the Naselle Community Center on Feb. 18 at 3 p.m. The cost is whatever donation you can afford to help the Center's maintenance costs. It will be exciting to have them in Naselle. (Thanks to Barb Swanson for this.)
Pirates of Penzance:
Naselle GRV School's Drama Group (6-12 th grades) will be performing Pirates of Penzance April 26-27 and May 2-4. Tickets will be sold at the door.
Haven't heard any times or costs information yet, but I want you to get this on your calendars because Gilbert and Sullivan plays are so funny and the fastest singing you'll ever laugh at. This should be great fun for all the family. I'll keep you updated. (Thanks to NGRV School office for this.)
Old Logging Stories and Photos:
There will be a roundtable discussion about local logging at the old Oysterville Schoolhouse on Wednesday, Feb. 7 from 10 a.m. to noon. Sydney Stevens has put together a panel to lead the discussion, but any locals with recollections of their logging days are encouraged to attend and participate. Bring photos or memorabilia to share. (Thanks to Dayle Olson for this information.)
Robotics Updates:
On Thursday, Jan 18, the Naselle GRV Schools had a team consisting of Ricky Neet, Kadyn Childers, and JJ Moreno compete against teams from Ilwaco and Wahkiakum in a SkillsUSA competition for a chance to qualify for the state SkillsUSA competition in Tacoma on Marsh 21. That team ended up qualifying for state in the area of Mobile Robotics.
On Monday, Jan 26, we had two teams from Naselle compete against two teams from Winlock for a chance to qualify for the state SkillsUSA competition in March. Seniors Lewis Hoff and Alia Lebovitz qualified for state in Robotics Automation Technology, and Senior Derek Suomela qualified for state in industrial Motor Control.
These three teams and six students will be competing in March for the chance to compete at the national SkillsUSA competition in Atlanta, Georgia during the week of June 24-28. Our underwater robotics team will begin preparing this week for a Sea Perch qualifying event in Cathlamet during March. The teams participating in the March event will be competing for the chance to qualify for the International Sea Perch Competition at the University of Maryland on May 31-June 1. (Thanks to Ron Wright and Justin Laine for this update.)
Clarissa Colson reports on two coming programs: First we have a new 4-H group called STEAM – the "A" stands for art, so kids from 5+ years will be meeting in the Naselle Middle School Classroom #201 on the first Thursdays of each month, beginning Feb. 1 from 3:15-4:45 p.m. This group of kids will be exploring how science is everywhere in life. Contact Clarissa at
The second is a series for girls, nPower Girls. It's an after-school program for girls to learn through creative problem solving, while engaging in STEM career conversations and listening to how women currently working in STEM careers were inspired to choose their career path." The message to girls on the flyer says, "Think of yourself in your future career. Would you like to join other girls (boys welcome if interested) from your school who are interested in STEM careers? Would you like an opportunity to design and build a model of something that you could see yourself using as a tool or resource in your job?" The group will meet on Feb 22, April 18, and May 23 from 3:15-4:45 in the Naselle Middle School Room #201, Grades 4-8, and the program is free. "To register, contact Clarissa or Rona Johnson, at: or All these activities are sponsored and funded by a grant to the WSU Extension Program. nPower Girls is part of the overall career focus for students. Field trips have been made to several businesses to help students see how robotics can be an option for them in deciding on the work they choose to do in the future. To find out more about the 4-H group meeting on Feb 1st or the nPower group meeting on Feb 22, contact Clarissa at: or you can call Carrie Backman in Cathlamet at the Extension Office at: (360) 795-3278. (Thanks to Clarissa Colson for this info).
The Photo of the Week: Seniors qualifying for state competition in robotics.
Calendar of Events:
Mondays/Wednesdays: Balance Class Naselle Community Center 3-4 p.m.
Second Monday: American Legion at Rosburg Hall, meal at 6 P.M. Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Tuesdays: Naselle Lutheran Church: quilters in morning/ knitters in afternoons.
Third Tuesday: Naselle/GRV School Board 6:30 p.m. Next on Feb. 20 in School Library.
Wednesdays: AA meeting at Grays River Grange at noon.
Second Wednesday of the month: Grays River Flood Control District at Fire Hall 5:30 p.m.
First and third Wednesdays each month: RCC Senior Lunch at Rosburg Hall on Feb. 7 and 21.
Thursdays every week: CAP senior lunches at noon at Rosburg Hall. Joel Fitts recommends it.
Second Thursday: Johnson Park Board meeting at 10 a.m.
February 6: Deadline for voting on Grays River Flood Control District's one open position.
February 10: Fundraising meal at Rosburg Hall for Brinley Footh (diabetic 18 month old) from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Donation of $12 suggested to help with expenses. Sponsored by Am. Legion and RCC.
February 13: Naselle GRV School Levy Vote. Please vote to support our kids.
Feb. 16: Beekeeping class at Naselle Library taught by Julie Tennis Call Library (360)539-3327.
February 18: Brownsmead Flats at Naselle Community Ctr at 3 p.m. Donations at the door.
February 24: Memorial Reception for Dale Dutcher at Rosburg Hall from 1-4.
April 7: Memorial service for Darlene Bjornsgard at Naselle school. Time not set yet.
Word for the week: Forgiveness.
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