Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Bingo! Crab Feed! Angels?

Skamokawa News

A BRAND NEW YEAR. Here we are in 2024, and it seems like 2023 just flew by! Now we will all have to get used to writing 2024 on everything, just when we've gotten used to writing 2023. At any rate, I hope you had a good New Year’s Eve and enjoyed a good time no matter what you did. I know I enjoyed my dinner out at our local restaurant but I didn't stay for the late-night festivities; I was one of many who opted to watch the new year come in from the comfort of my couch in my living room! I think getting older has something to do with that, but whatever you did, I hope you had a good time and were able to enjoy the start of this new year, which included some dryness and sunshine. A nice start!

WINTER WEATHER. I hate to say it, but it looks like the forecast folks are calling for a winter storm watch. A storm may or may not materialize, but it's good to be prepared just in case. Other forecasters are calling for a lot more wet days than dry and temperatures dropping down to the mid-30s at night, so keep your warm clothes handy as well as your boots. Be sure to keep your cars stocked with supplies if you plan on traveling in some nasty snow or ice. Since winter has just begun, I guess we should all be prepared for any and all cold weather events for the next few months around here; we are definitely not in the warm zone.

SPECIAL DAYS. Celebrating birthdays this are Scott McClain, Nicole Turgeon, Andy Lea, Kari Noonan, Jamie Smith, Don P. Wages, Joe Montgomery, Kristin Robinson, Shelby Elfers, Stephanie Leitz, Josh Moonen, David Smith, Michael A. Quigley, Ryan Torppa, Ryan Burdick, Lisa Hoven, Laurie Noonan, Ellie Leitz, Becky Elliott, Susan Schillios, Caroline Jennings, Alicia Boldt Benjamin, Matt Blain, Mike Moore and 67’er Ed Bussone. Belated birthday wishes go out to Carol Hadley and also to Michael Baccellieri (not Jody). I'm sending him some get well wishes to boot! Happy anniversary to Shawn and Jana Jacobs this week. I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your special day!

NEW EVENT CALENDARS. I hope you got one of the new Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce event calendars. They include most of the big events going on in our area. These calendars were included as an insert in this newspaper last week but you can pick one up in Cathlamet at the Chamber office. Of course, there are always a few things that happen at the spur of the moment or that weren’t submitted in time for the printing of the calendar, so I hope you're watching this newspaper and reading Karen Bertrochs' column, and mine, as we try to give you a heads up on upcoming events.

SONS OF NORWAY. On Jan. 10, the members of the Sons of Norway will be featuring a new event, called “Remember When” stories with seniors. The idea is that folks who have been around here a long time can come to the Norse Hall at 6 p.m. and share their stories of what went on around back in the day. So many things are different now and it is always interesting to share fun facts about the old days. It's hard to imagine the mint fields and the cucumber fields and mink farms on the Island, but they were there. Come listen to the stories of those who grew up then!

BINGO. A few days later, on Saturday, Jan. 13, the Sons of Norway will be hosting their Bingo games at 6 p.m. at the Norse Hall on Puget Island (444 SR 409). Bingo is held on the bottom level of the hall, and the doors, located to the left of the building, open at 5:30 p.m. For more information contact Jan Silvestri at 360 431-1705.

FLEA MARKET IN SKAMOKAWA. As always, on the second Saturday of the month, the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds is the site of a monthly flea market, which has items on display in two different buildings. Come down from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and check it all out.

CRAB FEED. On Jan. 20, you can head back down to the fairgrounds where once again there will be a crab and oyster feed. This event helps raise money for the fair. The number listed on the community calendar to find out more information is a bit confusing as Diane Dyers' phone number has an extra digit in it but I called 360-465-2825 and thankfully Diane called me back and verified it was the correct number. So, if you want to know all about the event, give her a call.

THURSDAYS. Not only is this day the normal day for the Wahkiakum Eagle to be delivered, but it's also the day that the community breakfast is held over at the Skamokawa Grange Hall (18 Fairgrounds Road in Skamokawa). This is a great opportunity to come and meet up with your friends and neighbors from 10 a.m. to noon and chat over a meal or a cup of coffee. While the breakfast is advertised as a free breakfast, and it is, your donations are greatly appreciated. Many have donated items for the breakfast itself and that's always great. Cash donations help pay the rent, so if you are able to spare a few bucks, it would be welcomed.

WRAPPING PAPER? Season Long is in charge of the above breakfast and her crew of folks who help out are truly amazing. We appreciate all that they do for the community. Season is also the lead on the “Shoeboxes of Joy” event that was just held at Christmas time. It was a huge hit this year once again. However, they went through all the wrapping paper they had on hand so if you are able to donate any for this coming year, it would be welcomed and could be dropped off on Thursdays at the grange hall. Kudos to all those that made so many folks happy this year. Many who got a shoebox were just elated by their surprise gift! Acts of kindness are always welcomed by those who don't see much. It's really heartwarming to hear that they were so happy to receive a “Shoebox of Joy”! Here's to this coming year being just as successful.

GOING UP. I heard that another rate hike is coming for postage stamps. I checked that out, and yes, it's true. As of Jan. 21, the first class, forever stamps will go from 66 cents to 68 cents. Not a big hike, but if you use a lot of stamps, like me, every penny counts, so you might want to buy a roll or two prior to that date. The postcard rates go up two cents as well, from 51 to 53 cents and international post cards go from $1.50 to $1.55. With the 21st being a Sunday, you'll need to pick up those stamps by Friday, Jan. 19th.

VALENTINES. Many years ago I started making Valentines and sending them to veterans. The cutoff date for most of those who collect valentines is the first week in February, so if you're a teacher and want your kids to make some valentines for our veterans, now is a good time to start. Now, you can check out the various websites for places to send them but some are for those living far away and require extra money for shipping. However, I did find out that a Washington congresswoman, Ms. Marilyn Strickland, is heading up a valentine card drive. You can mail cards to the Lacey District Office (Lacey City Hall, 3rd Floor, 420 College St. SE, Lacey WA 98503) or the Lakewood District Office (6000 Main St. SW, Suite 3B, Lakewood, WA 98499). The deadline is Feb. 7. If you have any questions about this Valentines for Vets program, call 360-459-8514. Ms. Stricklands' father was a veteran and she feels that this is a wonderful way to honor and remember them.

GROWING UP FAST. On the last day of 2023, it was a huge surprise for me to see my great grandson, Kaiden Good on the snowy slopes of Utah with his very own snowboard that he got for Christmas. Most would think that was not so surprising for a boy to be out and about on the slopes at this time of year but considering this little guy is just 3 years and nine months old, well, I thought his first run down the slope on his own was spectacular! Way to go Kaiden! Of course, if you're going to learn a new skill, it's good to learn it early as kids just seem to take to these things so easily as they are nimble and agile and don't have as far to fall as us old folks. Anyway, just had to do a great-grandma brag as I was pretty proud of that little guy, as were his folks, Austin and Nicole Good. I see many trips to the mountains in their future. How fun!

ANGELS? Do you believe in angels? Recently, a gal I know had to have a lot of work done on her vehicle. It was pretty spendy, but the work had to be done, so to the shop it went. The time soon came to get the rig and get things squared away, but while she waited, she had a chance visit with a complete stranger who was having work done on his rig too. You know, you chat away because you're both in the same boat and you're just killing time and pretty soon, you feel like you've made a new friend, out of the blue! Well, the two said their goodbyes and when it was time to pay the piper, so to speak, this gal goes up to the teller and finds out that the stranger had paid her entire bill. Are you kidding me? Wow! I don't know about you, but if you ask me, there's just no doubt that this guy was an angel in disguise and this lucky lady received a mini miracle that day. Sometimes, just when your faith in humanity is wavering, something like this happens and your faith is restored. Here's to many blessings coming to that angel, whoever you may be. I love a happy story to start out the New Year. Here's to more of that in 2024!


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