“Anything is better than our existing facility” says town clerk.
Benefactors are coming forward as the Town of Cathlamet contemplates what to do and where to go after receiving a report about the mold, leaks, and other problems plaguing their current Town Hall.
Mayor David Olson said the owner of the Scarborough building offered them a potential space to rent in the short or long term at the town council meeting on Monday.
“It’s not in the budget, but on the other hand we have a dire situation in our current town hall,” Olson said, adding that the town may have additional financial resources at the end of the month from the possible lease of a cell tower.
“I’m for it,” Town Clerk Sarah Clark said. “Anything is better than our existing facility at this point.”
After much discussion, the town council members came to a consensus that a long term lease was the right decision. Later, those in attendance learned it wasn’t their only offer. It turns out the old saloon on Main Street was extended to them as well.
Meanwhile, Mayor Paul Helenberg and the City of Castle Rock read about the Town of Cathlamet’s troubles in a recent article in the Wahkiakum County Eagle and donated a painting depicting the Cathlamet waterfront in 1880 by the late Longview painter Jim Eichelberger that has been hanging in their own hall for years.
In other news, Olson introduced Annie Watters as the Clerk Assistant/Project Manager, a new position at the Town of Cathlamet.
The town council approved the first reading of their 2024 budget totaling $8,362,761.63 and a first reading of employees salaries and compensation which includes a 3.4 percent cost of living increase.
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