Skamokawa News
WET START--As this work week begins, we are seeing some real rain here in West Valley and I can’t say I’m unhappy about it. My lawn and plants were looking a bit brown and miserable, so this unexpected summer drink was perfectly timed! I’m pretty sure those still in the midst of haying would not agree with that sentiment however, so I feel bad for those folks. Here’s hoping the upcoming forecast comes true and they can salvage those fields that still need to be harvested. Today, I’m thankful for the drink that our forests are getting and the springs and creeks are getting too, as things were definitely super dry around here and the fire danger was getting very worrisome.
BED FOLLOW UP--I thought the Bald Eagle Days weather turned out just great this past Saturday,.While it was plenty warm in the direct sun, it wasn’t in the 100 degree, totally miserable range. There was a nice breeze down by the marina, so in the shade, one could be pretty comfortable. Kudos to all who took part in the festivities as it takes a lot of planning and setting up and commitment to pull off all these various food and entertainment venues; good job everybody! There were plenty of people lining the streets and as usual, families and classmates gathered during this time. One of the largest family gatherings was the Hendrickson family and with dozens of family members here, I think they deserve a trophy of some sort! It was good to chat with Dave and Larry and some of the others in the their family and I hope they took a lot of pictures and will submit one of them into the paper with all their names included!
67’ERS--Once again, Dale Jacobson was kind enough to host his classmates yearly gathering in his back yard so that worked out great. Traveling the most miles to attend this occasion was Elaine Munson Rolf and her husband, Phil as they drove up from Texas after moving there last year, so we were tickled to see them. Elaine's brother, Alan Munson, stopped by to visit while she was here as well. Others there were David and Kathi West, Keith and Karen Lawrence, Noni Gilbertsen Meredith, Nancy Jacobson Brady, Linda Holland Toste, Kay Pedersen Chamberlain and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller. Many of our classmates have conflicting family obligations/gatherings at this time, so we may need to rethink our gathering time and do something different next year, but we’ll see how it goes. I know one thing, we are all wondering how we got so old so fast!
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from July 20-26 are Stuart Bosch, Beverly Moonen, Rick Benfit, Randy Montgomery, Suzet Parker, Larry Hendrickson, Elisa Heagy, Ella Doiron, Steve L. Doumit, Theresa Libby, Lisa Hannah, Raedyn Grasseth, Skip Nortrup, Joel Gaillard, Ruth Doumit, Tanner Bergseng, John Buennagel, Jerry DeBriae Jr., Mandi Knowles, Madison LaBerge, Cody Olsen, Julie Pedersen, Halle Grasseth, Kelsey Hedges, McKenna Longtain, Ellyse Brewster, Carol Cooper, Frank Webb, Lesley Horman, Molly Jorgensen and “Big Art” Pedersen. Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Jerry and Becky Ledtke, Rick and Janet Bryan, Joel and Jessie Havens and Mark and Patti Phillips. May all of your special days be ones you never forget!
NEW ADDITION--Kristina Heiner announced the arrival of her new baby boy, Zander Lane into this world on July 11, so we want to say a hearty congratulations to her. This baby arrived as a pretty big boy, weighing nine pounds and one ounce and was 21 inches long, with his head measuring 15.6 inches around, so he made a grand entry for sure! Zander joins a big brother, Sawyer and he’s got lots and lots of extended family members as well, so he’s definitely going to be getting a lot of attention in the days ahead. Welcome to the world little man!
DOCENTS NEEDED--The Friends of Skamokawa group is really in need of some docents to help keep the doors open to Redmen Hall on the weekends. If you’ve got some time on your hands, and like to greet people and could manage the gift shop sales, they’d love to hear from you. Give the hall a call at 360-795-3007.
GET READY--Now is definitely the time to get ready for the Wahkiakum County Fair. If you haven’t noticed them by now, the official fairbook is out with all the rules and regulations for the various entries. The fair is August 17, 18 and 19 this year and is being dedicated to Catherine Rainey. The theme this year is “Stirrup Some Fun” so keep that in mind when making posters or taking pictures or decorating your booths, etc. If you are entering an animal, you need to get that done right away, as I posted this last week that this needs to be done by Friday, July 21.
LOTS TO DO--I hope you know about all the upcoming events that will be in our area, from Flea Markets here in Skamokawa on the second Saturday of each month, to bingo at the Norse Hall. August 12 there is a funky car show at the brewery and the Wooden Boat Show at the Elochoman Slough Marina. Then the fair hits and that will mean lots of things to do and see there for those three days, which I just mentioned above. Of course, during the Labor Day weekend, it will be time to come on back down here and go to the Smoke on the water Music Fest; it’s going to be awesome!
SHOPPING--I had a good time doing a little early Christmas shopping during Bald Eagle Days, so I really enjoyed all those vendors this year. There was also some great food, like the lefse I bought and some cinnamon rolls that were to die for; yum! However, as I shopped, I realized there are lots of folks who are at that age where they just don’t need any more stuff of any kind, yet you want to give them something. I made a list of things I could buy that would not burden anybody with more things, so if you’ve got some of those folks on your Christmas list, why not think of making a donation to some group that they may be interested in? Our local fire departments take donations, the Fair Foundation takes donations, the Skamokawa Grange, P.O. Box 123 would be most appreciative of a donation or the Friends of Skamokawa, P.O. Box 67. You can contact any one of them and they’d be happy to receive a donation from you in someone else's name. Maybe even one as a remembrance of a loved one. The list is really endless and everyone would be so appreciative of your donation. Do they enjoy history? The museum is full of our county's history and they would gladly accept a donation if you mail it to WCHS, 65 River Street, Cathlamet, WA 98612. Of course, you can also buy them a subscription to this paper and that way they could keep up to date on all the happenings going on in the county! Anyway, it’s just a thought and while we think of Christmas as being a long ways off, it really isn’t. For folks who get paid once a month, there’s only five more paydays until Christmas; yikes!
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