The Stella Historical Society’s Museum is ready to open for the summer season. They will hold their annual Kids’ Day, featuring a number of old-time games as were played in the past. There will be hop-scotch, jump rope, cat’s cradle, and bean-bag toss among other things, plus a scavenger hunt among the three buildings and on the museum’s grounds. They may also ring an old bell from the Eufaula school. After the kids finish, they will be paid a whole penny, which they can then use to purchase a variety of treats at old-time prices. Remember when a candy bar only cost a nickel?
The museum is located at 8530 Ocean Beach Highway, about 10 miles west of Longview. The event is on Saturday, July 8 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free, but donations are always appreciated. For more information, call 360-423-3860 or 360-423-8663.
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