Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Stella museum to open Saturday

The Stella Historical Society’s Museum is ready to open for the summer season. They will hold their annual Kids’ Day, featuring a number of old-time games as were played in the past. There will be hop-scotch, jump rope, cat’s cradle, and bean-bag toss among other things, plus a scavenger hunt among the three buildings and on the museum’s grounds. They may also ring an old bell from the Eufaula school. After the kids finish, they will be paid a whole penny, which they can then use to purchase a variety of treats at old-time prices. Remember when a candy bar only cost a nickel?

The museum is located at 8530 Ocean Beach Highway, about 10 miles west of Longview. The event is on Saturday, July 8 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free, but donations are always appreciated. For more information, call 360-423-3860 or 360-423-8663.


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