Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

What's happening at the Fair?

Greetings from the fair office! Hope everyone is getting excited about Mud Wrestling and The Shania Experience (Shania Twain Tribute Band) happening July 14 at the fairgrounds. The tickets are only $15 for both events and you can purchase them from fair foundation members, at the fair office or at the Duck Inn. Start your Bald Eagle Days Weekend off with some mud and good music. Food and drinks will be available. This year we have included some pee wee wrestling. Here are the classes: Peewee classes A: 30-40 lbs, B: 41-60 lbs, C: 61-74 lbs. Classes: D:75 - 125 lbs, E: 126 - 175 lbs, F: 176 - 225 lbs and G: 226 and above. If you would like to register please call the office.

Don't forget to come out on Saturday July 1 for the Farmer's Market. I will have Smoke on the Water tickets, t-shirts and cups available for purchase. If you haven't bought your ticket you want to do so before they are all gone. They are selling fast. We have 10 bands and three big time singers coming out so don’t miss a chance for a big concert in your own backyard. We are still looking for sponsors for this event. Talk to Ryan at the Duck Inn for more information.

We have two young ladies signed up for Fair Royalty as of now. Lydia Blalock from Skamokawa and Ellie Gilbert from the west end of the county. They have fair passes and raffle tickets for the fair raffle. Grand Prize this year is a 1-night stay at Ilani, $120.00 gift card and two concert tickets.

All animal entries are due at the fair office by July 21.


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