News of Western Wahkiakum County and Naselle
Correction for last week's Dispatch: Photo of Isabella Colombo was hers and not taken by me.
Important message: If you are a blood donor, please note that the Red Cross has changed its location for blood donations in the area. Valley Bible will no longer be the site. They will now be located at Johnson Park. The next time they will be here for their blood drive will be June 9 from 10 to 3 at Johnson Park. You can schedule an appointment with them at Donating blood is so important. Thank you to all donors.
Today, May 25, all Grays/Seal/Deep River landowners and residents are invited to a workshop at Rosburg Hall from 6-8 to explore existing flood-related issues, places that matter to you, and community priorities which could be impacted by sea level rise (increased flooding, erosion, and salinity intrusion). This is the first of three community-based meetings sponsored by Sea Grant WA from the University of Washington and the Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership in Portland. Jackson Blalock from Sea Grant will facilitate the meeting. He met with the Grays River Habitat Enhancement District, County Commissioners and several individuals to gain information as he prepared for this workshop. Kids are welcome with an activity table set up for them. Pizza will be provided and snacks. Please RSVP if you plan to attend to: Please come.
The Grays River Grange will have their first Farmers Market on June 10 and on second Saturdays of the month from then on through October. The market will be at the Grange on SR 4 west of Duffy's Irish Pub. They will feature vegetables, flowers and fruit. Their market dates are July 8, August 12, September 9 and October 14. For those of us living in Grays River/Rosburg, this is close and very convenient. Also, be sure to check out the Gardening Club that meets at Johnson Park on the first Thursday of the month at 6.
This past weekend, the Appelo Archives Center had a book launching party for their "Na-Hi-An" book. Anita Raistakka told me that a couple from Helsinki happened to come, though they didn't know about the party, but they were very interested in the Archives Center. The gentlemen discovered that many of the books in the Finnish library are titled in Finnish and Anita is not able to translate all of them. He took photos of the titles on his cell phone and said he would translate them for her when he gets home. Isn't that great? A high ladder is seriously needed to get books put on high shelves in the Finnish library. Does anyone have a tall ladder they could loan the Center for a few days while a volunteer gets them up there? This would help Anita keep working on books. At this point, she has no more room to work on them. If you can help call Anita at 484-3376 or the Center at 484.7101 or 484-7103.
Here are graduation events to get in your calendars: Evening of Excellence on May 31 at 6, Music Program on June 6 at 6 and Graduation on June 10 at 4. Showing our high school students appreciation for their hard work and encouraging them in their next steps, is important for families and students alike. The students who have invested 12 years of their lives in school are due our recognition and appreciation for their hard work.
I'd like to take a minute to talk about the list of events. Not only is the list of events important for all of us looking for gatherings to attend, but also for local organizations to see if an event is already planned for a day they have also chosen for an event. May 20 was a good example with several things happening on the same day. During these short summer months, several groups are planning things, so let's share the times available as much as possible.
Calendar of Events:
Mondays: First Monday of the month, Naselle Library has a men's coffee gathering 10-11:30.
Tuesdays: Naselle Lutheran Church sponsors morning quilters and knitters in afternoons.
Third Tuesday: Naselle Grays River School Board meets at 6:30 in school library.
Second Wednesday of the month: Grays River Habitat Enhancement District meets at the Grays River Fire Hall across from Duffy's Pub at 5:15.
Wednesdays: AA meeting at the Grays River Grange at noon.
Wednesdays through May: Young Children's Play Group at Naselle Library from 10-11:30.
First Thursday of the month: Grays River/Rosburg Gardening group meets at Johnson Park at 6.
First Thursday of the month: Caregiver Support Group at Naselle Library with OBH staff 1-2.
Thursdays: CAP Senior Lunches are located at Rosburg Hall at noon.
First Fridays of month: Legos Group through May, 10:30-11:30 at Naselle Library.
Second Friday of month: Women's Coffee Group at Naselle Library at 10.
May 25: Workshop #1 on Grays River at Rosburg Hall 6-8 Email to reserve.
May 31: Evening of Excellence at Naselle GRV School at 6.
June 3: Spring Sale at Naselle Lutheran 10-4 Get signed up. Sherrill Hartline (360) 484-7258.
June 3: Barbecue Potluck at Johnson Park from 2-6 with live local music.
June 7 and 21: Wednesday Senior Lunches at Rosburg Hall at noon.
June 10: High School Graduation at 4 at the school.
June 10: First Grays River Grange Farmers Market at Grays River Grange.
June 24: FAFF Salmon Dinner 5-7 and Concert 6-8 at Rosburg Hall: $20 Music by Emily Rudolph and Sunnyside. Tickets at
June 29: FAFF sponsored concert at NCC with Kim Angelis and Jennifer Goodenberger at 3.
July 29: Nordic Music Concert at Chinook School at 5 with kantele and harp.
August 19: Loggers Reunion with BBQ and beer from 2-5.
Word for the Week: Flowers
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