Greetings from the fair office. Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.
This Saturday starts the Farmer's Market at the fairgrounds. We are still looking for vendors and there is no charge. We also welcome people to come out for the Junk in the Trunk Sale. It starts at 9 a.m. and goes until 1 p.m. on this Saturday.
Saturday is also the clean up day and all volunteers are welcome. It starts at 10 am. and we will serve lunch at noon. We will also open the T-Building for the sale.
We are still looking for fair royalty and will have a sign-up meeting on May 20 at 1 p.m.
If you haven't pre-registered your car for the car show the date is coming fast. Cruzin to the Fair Car Show is June 3.
Mark your calendar for July 14 for the Mud Wrestling and "The Shania Experience". Mud wrestling starts at 3:30 and the Shania Experience starts at 7.
"Smoke on the Water” tickets are here. If you would like to purchase tickets call the office for pick-up details.
Hope to see everyone at the farmer’s market this Saturday.
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