Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

What's happening at the Fair?

Greetings from the fair office! This weekend is the Monthly Flea Market and Sale in the T-Building from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hope everyone will come out and find some treasures. The fair sale in the T-Building will be open every Saturday starting on May 20 to coincide with the Farmer's Market which starts on the 20th of May from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All vendors are welcome at no charge. Also this day load up your trunks and bring your stuff out for the Junk in the Trunk Sale. No charge.

May 20 is the fairgrounds annual Clean Up Day. All volunteers are welcome; we start at 10 a.m. and have lunch at noon. Anyone wishing to help can show up and we will find something for you to do. We have a list of projects. If anyone wants to weed-eat bring your weed-eater and we will put you to work. Also on the 20th we will have a fair Royalty meeting at 1 p.m. Anyone interested in being fair royalty can come to this meeting and sign up. If you can't make the meeting just call the office and we will set up a time to meet with you.

Also if you want to pre-register for the Cruzin To The Fair Car Show they are due by May 26. All classes will receive a trophy as well as a Best of Show Car, Kids Choice Car and a People's choice. So get those entries in.

How many of you enjoyed the Mud Wrestling last year? Well mark your calendar; it is coming back on July 14 at 3:30 p.m. followed at 7 p.m. by the Shania Experience which is a Shania Twain tribute band. Tickets will be on sale soon for this double event. Cost is only $15. This year's Mud Wrestling will include some Peewee classes so watch for more information in the next couple weeks.

Don't forget this year's fair theme is "Stirrup Some Fun" and it will be here before we know it. Anyone wanting to be a vendor at the fair please call the office and leave me a message.(360)795-3480 or email me at and I will get back to you.

If you haven't bought your tickets to the Music Fest over Labor Day weekend you might want to get them before they are all gone. There will be lots of great music including three big names. Go to for more information.


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