Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Half full, or half empty?

To The Eagle:

Why are there so many half-full, in the USA? The country has made it through a worldwide pandemic in much better shape than most of the rest of the world. Inflation, would not have been or be as bad, had not all oil companies kept prices up, while making record profits, not Biden’s fault! Inflation has been on a downward trend since July, 2022. The US economy added an astonishing 517,000 jobs in January, the unemployment rate dropped to 3.4% in January, marking the lowest the unemployment rate has been since 1969. Even with interest rates going up, the US economy expanded an annualized 2.9% on quarter in Q4 2022, following a 3.2% jump in Q3 and beating forecasts of 2.6%.

Now that the House is in Republican hands, we should be in good shape, their newest member, will set everything in order, by himself. The investigators will be investigated, Hunter will be investigated and we can forget all the Middle East money, the former’s family got.

All of this obviously follows the media narrative, some for and some against, as last week showed, with some below the belt comments on traditional news from a writer feeling hurt because her 7% and 10% rated shows were dropped, as losing audience.

I don’t know what the future will bring us, but my glass is three-quarter full, very hopeful for our future. Perhaps less whining, more accepting, and more enjoying all that we have. Pray for Ukraine, who are dying to save their democracy.

Poul Toftemark



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