On Tuesdays at noon WSU Master Gardeners present weekly on-line free programs. No need to register, just pop in. Connection information (you must have a Zoom account and be signed into it--sign up for one at zoom.us), then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: https://wsu.zoom.us/j/7756056320?pwd=RzVxbTl0dXpyUjJjSDdsWnJuTXdydz09
Meeting ID: 775 605 6320
Password: 12345
Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782, 775 605 6320#
For help, contact Gary Fredricks at garyf@wsu.edu or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. Workshops are sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master Gardeners.
· January 17-Noon-Tuesday: Sharpening your Tools (online) Do you fight with your tools when using them? WSU Master Gardener Jerry Winchell will show you how to sharpen your tools so that they work for you and with you. Learn how to give your tools the edge that will shorten work and make chores easier and more enjoyable.
· January 24-Noon-Tuesday: Caring for Fruit Trees (online) Do you want to know what you can do now to help prepare your fruit trees for a healthy growing season in the spring and summer? Join WSU Master Gardener Alice Slusher to learn how to manage codling moth, apple maggots, peach leaf curl, apple and pear scab, and other problems. Organic options will be discussed, too, and a management calendar will be provided. This is a must-see if you are growing fruit trees in SW Washington.
· January 31-Noon Tuesday: Fruit Tree Pruning (on-line) Would you like to know more about how to prune your fruit trees? WSU Master Gardener Art Fuller will show how to prune your fruit trees—and what not to do.
· February 4-10:00 am-Saturday: Fruit Tree Care & Pruning (in-person) Everything you need to know about growing and pruning fruit trees. Join WSU Master Gardeners Alice Slusher and Art Fuller to learn how to manage codling moth, apple maggots, peach leaf curl, apple and pear scab, and other problems. Organic options will be discussed, too, and a management calendar will be provided. Art will show how to prune your fruit trees—and what not to do. The presentation will be followed by a demonstration of pruning techniques. You may bring your pruners and learn how to sharpen them. The workshop will be held in Longview. You will be given the location after you have registered.
Enrollment is limited to 30 people. The cost is $10. All attendees must pre-register and pay online. https://fruit-tree-workshop-2023.cheddarup.com However, there will be an option on the online site during checkout to mail or drop off a check at their office. They cannot accept checks or cash at the workshop. Walk-ins cannot be admitted. The workshop is sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master Gardeners.
· February 7-Noon-Tuesday: Planning your Seed Starting Schedule (on-line) When is the best time to start different kinds of seeds (flowers and veggies) so they will be ready to either sow directly in the garden or start indoors so you can transplant them at the proper time? WSU Master Gardeners Sara Clark and Dale Wheeler will share planting and sowing strategies, so you'll be planting at the optimal times for success.
· February 9-6:00 am-Thursday: Tips for Constructing a Greenhouse (in-person) WSU Master Gardener Gene McConnell will explain everything you wanted to know about setting up a hobbyist greenhouse. You will learn how to get started, what to buy regarding size, temperature control, lighting, and ventilation. Gene will also talk about yard placement, and some alternatives to a greenhouse. If you are interested in gardening and own a greenhouse or are thinking about building or buying one, then this is the program for you.
The workshop will be held in Longview. You will be given the location after you have registered.
The cost of the class is $5 per participant, and all attendees must pre-register and pay online: https://greenhouse-tips.cheddarup.com However, there will be an option on the online site during checkout to mail or drop off a check at their office. They cannot accept checks or cash at the workshop. Walk-ins cannot be admitted. The workshop is sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master Gardeners.
· February 14-Noon-Tuesday: Seed Starting at Home (on-line) Save money and get a jump start on the summer growing season. If you've never started your vegetables from seeds, or haven't been successful in the past, this class is for you. WSU Master Gardener Alice Slusher will walk you through the steps of preparing the planting medium and planting the seeds, as well as timing, proper lighting, and watering techniques.
· February 18-10:00 am-Saturday: Seed Starting at Home (in-person) Want to learn how to grow your own food or flowers? WSU Master Gardener Alice Slusher will walk you through the steps of preparing the planting medium, planting the seeds, and timing, proper lighting, and watering techniques. If you've never started your vegetables from seeds, or haven't been successful in the past, then this class is for you. A demonstration on planting seeds will follow the presentation. Attendees will take home seed starting kits and seeds to begin their at-home gardening experience.
The workshop will be held in Longview. You will be given the location after you have registered.
Enrollment is limited to 30 people. The cost is $10. All attendees must pre-register and pay online https://seed-starting-2-23.cheddarup.com However, there will be an option on the online site during checkout to mail or drop off a check at their office. They cannot accept checks or cash at the workshop. The workshop is sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master Gardeners.
· February 21-Noon-Tuesday: Grape Care and Pruning (on-line) Are you growing grapes or want to start? WSU Master Gardener Art Fuller will explain everything you wanted to know about pruning grape vines and how to care for grape starts.
· February 25-10:00 am-Saturday: Grape Care and Pruning (in-person) WSU Master Gardener Art Fuller will explain everything you want to know about pruning grapevines and how to care for grape starts. The presentation will be followed by a demonstration of pruning techniques. You may bring your pruners and learn how to sharpen them. Participants will receive free starts of grape varieties Canadice and Venus.
The workshop will be held in Longview. You will be given the location after you have registered. Walk-ins cannot be admitted.
Enrollment is limited to 30 people. The cost is $10. All attendees must pre-register and pay online https://grape-care-2023.cheddarup.com. However, there will be an option on the online site during checkout to mail or drop off a check at their office. They cannot accept checks or cash at the workshop. The workshop is sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master Gardeners.
· February 28-Noon-Tuesday: Rose Care in the Spring (on-line) Spring is a critical time to attend to your roses. Growing roses in SW Washington can be a real challenge--we must fight both insects and fungal diseases. WSU Master Gardener Michele Thomas will help you get your roses fertilized, pruned, and cared for so you will have amazing roses this summer.
· March 4-10 am to noon-Saturday: Raising Mason Bees (in-person) Billie Bevers, WSU Master Gardener, will discuss the skills needed for raising Mason Bees. Orchard Mason Bees are highly effective pollinators that are very non-aggressive and become active in early spring. The 2-hour class covers equipment, seasonal management, bee biology, and management of pests. Participants will receive a Mason Bee house and cocoons of hibernating Mason Bees.
The workshop will be held in Longview. You will be given the location after you have registered. Walk-ins cannot be admitted.
Enrollment is limited to 30 people. The cost is $30. All attendees must pre-register and pay online https://raising-mason-bees-2023.cheddarup.com. However, there will be an option on the online site during checkout to mail or drop off a check at their office. They cannot accept checks or cash at the workshop. The workshop is sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master Gardeners.
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