Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Amy Hunt re-elected as school board chair

On December 20, the Naselle GRV School Board met for the last time in 2022. Amy Hunt was elected to be Chair, continuing her time as interim chair in the latter portion of 2022. She stepped in as Interim Chair when former chair, Chuck Hendrickson, resigned at the August meeting. Amy Chadwick was elected Vice-Chair as well for the 2022-2023 school year. The meeting was held at the Grays River Fire Hall following the policy stating the School Board will meet there three times annually. This meeting was productive and enjoyable. Fifth graders presented a report and demonstration on the work they’ve been doing with robotic projects. The youngsters were intelligent and fully understood the work they did with robots programmed to move a certain way on a classroom floor. They were very confident and well mannered. In addition, they felt comfortable with the robotics format. They stayed for the remainder of the meeting to learn more about the school board. There was a large crowd, including students, parents, and community members.

Two teachers, Mrs. Hazen and Mrs. Hoagland, presented information on a Character Strong Leadership Program they use to work with lower grade students. The material they are using was very impressive as it emphasizes for young children especially, key characteristics of leaders focused specifically on behavior with others. It was a very impressive and thoughtful presentation. Another curriculum document was presented by teacher Greg Nelson, to be approved by the Board: a Career/Technical Education four-year planning document developed by Mr. Nelson for the State. The document covers four years, was well done and approved by the Board.

In new business, the Board considered the following WSSDA policies in their first readings: 3143: Notification and Dissemination of Information about Student Offenses and Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm; 3422: Concussion, Head Injury and Sudden Cardiac Arrest in School Sports. These policies will be heard a second time at the next Board meeting, then action will be taken. In Unfinished Business, the Board heard the second readings of the following policies: 3225: School -Based Threat Assessment;4324: Opioid Related Overdose Reversal and 4310: District relationships with Law Enforcement and other Government Agencies. These three were adopted. Policy 4210: Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises was tabled resulting from a request from Board member Tyson Vogeler that a sentence be added stipulating that employees of the District may have weapons in their vehicles for personal safety. They must be legally registered and locked up in their vehicles. When this has been added to the proposed policy, it will be presented to the Board at their next meeting

School Principal, Justin Laine reported on events in the coming months at the school, including Career Day, Working with Federal Student Aid forms, FAFSA Scholarship night. He noted the Christmas Concert in December, expressing appreciation for all who worked on it.

A Board / Parent Advisory Subcommittee will be developed to address a draft resolution Luke Wagner, parent, had presented at the November meeting. Two Board members will work with “to be identified” parent members to address his resolution that would identify parents as the chief stakeholders for their students’ education. That will be discussed in a few months after they have had time to fully develop the group and prepare their draft policy/resolution. The next Board meeting will be on January 17 at 6:30 in the school library.


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