Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

What's happening at the Fair?

Greetings from the fair office. Wow! Christmas is coming fast. If you haven't got all your gifts yet you should come out to the flea market this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We have lots of treasures. Lots of home made items, the fair foundation has their swags and centerpieces. Also, if you bid on their auction items they can be picked up. So come on out, watch Cathlamet Area news, and the Buy and Sells for Pictures this week.

We have several new events to take place next year. On January 21 the fair board will hold a Crab and Oyster feed. The cost is $20 per ticket and tickets will be available soon. If you would like to pre-order tickets, email the fair and I will get you on the list; ( or call and leave a message in the office (360)795-3480.

In February the fair board will be busy. On February 4 they will hold their Valentine's Bingo, doors will open at 5 and bingo starts at 6. The cost is $15 for 3 cards and they play all 20 games. Then on February 11 the fair board will be at the Duck Inn for their Valentine's Dinner. Watch for more information on this.

The fair board is also looking for fair theme ideas. Please email or call with your suggestions as they will be picking one soon.

Mark your calendars later in the year for the 2nd Annual Mud Wrestling on June 24 and the Cruzin to the Fair Car Show on June 3.

Hope to see everyone at the Flea Market this weekend. Also, the fair board will hold a huge sale in the T-Building.


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