Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

N/GRV School Board has workshop coming Dec. 6

More than 12 people attended the November 15 school board meeting held in the school library to make hearing the meeting better for all present. Early in the meeting, as the agenda changes were discussed, board member Tyson Vogeler, commented that he, as a board member representing folks in the Grays River area, would prefer having the board meet in the Grays River Fire Hall three times a year as Policy #1400 currently states. Superintendent Lisa Nelson explained her preference for meeting at the Naselle school: “My personal desire is to change this policy to just meet at Naselle now that Zoom is available, and we don’t have as much seating and technology capacity at the Grays River Fire Hall. In addition, keys and access are sometimes a challenge with the fire hall. Our plan would be to establish an area in the school library where the technology needed for Zoom is already set up and available in the absence of our tech person.”

Mr. Vogeler stated that he supported having the three meetings annually in Grays River because there are homes in the area which do not have technology or a computer, and since they are a part of the district, and a policy has been in effect since the schools consolidated, he wants to continue to offer his constituents the option of attending meetings in Grays River rather than driving to Naselle and back again to attend night meetings. He further felt it was appropriate to follow Policy 1400 and he stated he would not support changing the policy to permanently hold board meetings in Naselle.

That is but one policy to be discussed at a board workshop on Tuesday, December 6 at 5:30 at the Naselle School Library when several policies will be discussed, but no voting will happen because it is not a business meeting. The sole purpose is discussion. Policies to be discussed at the workshop include Policy #1400: Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and Quorum. This workshop is set up for board members, parents and residents to give their opinions and ideas toward any changes or additions to several policies including: #3225: School-Based Threat Assessment; #3424: Opioid Related Overdose Reversal; #4210: Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises and #4310 District Relationships with Law Enforcement and other Government Agencies. Mr. Vogeler is interested in hearing Grays River residents’ preferences before the workshop regarding meetings in Grays River. He prefers to receive information from residents before that meeting is held. His email address is:

Workshop discussions include firearms on school property in #4210, the need for overdose (OD) medication (Narcan) to be available in the school, and school based threats. It is my understanding there is a safety plan, but I have no information on that. This workshop is an opportunity for parents and the public to state their concerns and preferences to the board in consideration of the policies as listed above. The suggested agenda for the workshop includes: safety planning, board and superintendent operating principles, and policy procedures for the superintendent’s evaluation.

Other information from the November 15 meeting included: Current enrollment is at 301. Only 31 surveys were returned from the mailing sent to all registered voters. If anyone still has their survey, it can still be returned in the self- addressed and stamped envelope. Names need not be given, and you can write on the back of the letter you received, if you would rather not use the email address in the letter. Information in the surveys is very important to the board and the future of the district. Again, the workshop will be held December 6 at 5:30 p.m., in the school library.


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