Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Writer intends to keep ranting

To The Eagle:

That fellow who wrote in from Oregon burned through 160 words with multiple decimal points and percentages to state the glaringly obvious. Some, but definitely not all, of our present economic woes are due to some of Biden’s expensive policies enacted to help us recover from the pandemic that trashed everyone’s economies.

At the height of that pandemic, when effective public health measures were ludicrously protested against as civil rights issues, Texas’ Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick suggested that “at risk” populations -- the elderly, infirm and medically compromised, should be willing to die of Covid in order to avert economic disruption.

That’s the Republican version of Social Darwinism -- permitting disadvantaged folks to die avoidable deaths so that Wall Street could continue to enrich itself.

As it turns out, we survived that pandemic and made this country safe for Trump’s irredeemably toxic MAGA culture to ban books, assault women’s human rights, promote the lie that Critical Race Theory is taught in grade schools, enforce the ‘white washing’ of our cultural history, deny the 2020 election’s validity, discriminate against anyone not a Christian heterosexual and subvert the voting franchise.

John Stuart Mill cautioned : “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”

I intend to keep on ‘ranting’ in good conscience, with occasional respite, of course.

JB Bouchard

Puget Island


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