Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Celebrate all veterans on Friday, November 11

Skamokawa News

NOT NICE--We all know that we had quite the weather event this past week but at least it didn’t last too long. However, with power outages, road closures due to flooding and drivers finding roadways littered with rocks and trees, it’s an early reminder of just what to expect and prepare for in the coming months. Actually, we may be having a few days of freezing weather by the time you read this, so I hope you were able to wrap up your pipes and cover your flowers, etc., and have what you need for that event. Like I said, these nasty storms are not fun to deal with, but they’re even worse when you haven’t prepared for them.

Just a reminder to all the new folks: Keep your eyes and ears open for the weather reports around here, as “atmospheric rivers” means that most likely, all low lying areas will be flooded, so move anything and everything “up” and get prepared prior to the event so you don’t have to go out and about on these stormy days and dangerous roadways.

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Nov. 10-16 are Jonnie Knowles, Lynda Jensen, Ray Lindsey, Mark Helms, Ty Briscoe, Virgil Cothren, Patty Ohrberg, Ashley N. Helms, Andrew Prestegard, Hap Anderson, Brandi Seaberg, Misty Holland, Mike Parker, Roberta Trotter, Martina Snow, Jody Kephart, Zachary Stewart, Julianne Bell, James D. Pedersen, Hailey Brown and LuAnn Davison.

Those celebrating anniversaries this coming week are Mark and Terri Slape, Roy and Cathy LaBerge and Jim and Karen Blain. May all of your birthday and anniversaries land on decent days so you can all go out and celebrate; enjoy!

THURSDAY--If you’re getting this paper on Thursday morning, then don’t forget, you can head to the Grange hall in Skamokawa between 10 and noon and take part in a good gab session while you enjoy a free community breakfast. Of course, you’re welcome to bring a goodie with you to share and possibly make a donation towards the expenses they incur by hosting this gathering.

CELEBRATE VETERANS--This Friday, Nov. 11, is Veterans Day and we want to give our thanks to all those who have served and are still serving our country, as they are a special group of people who deserve our honor and our respect. Some restaurants and other businesses are giving discounts or having specials on this day for our veterans so if you qualify, I hope you go and take advantage of them.

One of those places serving a meal to honor our service people is Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church on Puget Island, 549 SR 409, but that won't be until Saturday, Nov. 12 at 5 p.m. They will serve a member and a guest and ask that, if possible, you might wear a part of your uniform or medals or other items. Here’s to our Veterans; you are our heroes!

THIS SATURDAY--We hope you’ll visit Redmen Hall and check out the photography exhibit by this Saturday, as that is the last day it will be shown. All exhibitors need to pick up their photo exhibits between 10 and noon on Sunday, Nov. 13.

The next event at the hall will be their holiday doings right after Thanksgiving so make sure you put that down on your busy schedule as you won’t want to miss out on their wonderful vendors and help support the Friends of Skamokawa while you’re at it!

FAIRGROUNDS--Also, check out the Flea Market at the Wah. Co. Fairgrounds from 9 to 3 p.m. This is more than just “flea market” as they also have vendors there, and what they have to offer can make for some nice Christmas gifts or stocking stuffers. Plus, you’ll support locals and that’s always a good thing!

Nov. 19 is Turkey Bingo night, and they always have great prizes and it’s lots of fun, so come on down and take part in that, which begins at 6 p.m. Show up a little early to check it all out.

Coming to the Youth Building on the first Saturday in December will be the big Holiday Bazaar, so vendors are encouraged to sell their goodies there that day. Call the office at 360-795-3480 & leave a message if you’re interested.

FOOD DRIVE--Also this Saturday, there is the annual “Walk-n-Knock” Food Drive by our local Lions Club members. I hope you can donate to that, or drop off your food items at the Puget Island Fire Hall or any other business in the area that has a barrel for food collection. It all stays right here in our area.

OPEN MIC AT GRANGE--On Sunday, Nov, 13, the Skamokawa Grange will be the place to be as there will be a “November Open Mic – Live Music” event. All musicians and singers are invited to come on down and have a fun-filled afternoon/evening! Sign up time is at 3:45 and the music begins at 4. At the very end, a big jam session will take place which is always a lot of fun! Donations to the Grange are deeply appreciated as they are hoping to put a new heating system in soon and of course, the coffee pot is always on!

WARM CLOTHING--It’s getting nippy and the Puget Island Auxiliary wants me to continue to remind you that all warm clothes are truly needed for their annual “Warm Winter Clothing Drive” so your help in getting warm scarves, gloves, hats and coats/jackets is really imperative for those in need. If you want to drop them off, you can do that at the Puget Island Fire Hall or the River Mile 38 Brewery in Cathlamet. Want to make a cash donation or need more help? If so, please contact these two gals and they can help you out: Sherrill at 360-951-3985 or Liz at 360-200-2247.

TOY COLLECTION--I was told there is a toy collection box at the Dollar General store in Cathlamet and you can also check with the Sheriff’s office for the “Shop with a Cop” program so your kids will have a great holiday, and of course, there’s the Star program as well, so check out all these resources if you need them, and if you can be a sponsor/donator to these programs, even better!

TIME IS FLYING--Thanksgiving Day is coming upon us really fast, so I hope you’ve got some wonderful Thanksgiving plans. If not, maybe you could join the group putting on a turkey dinner at the Skamokawa Grange Hall that day. If you’d like to help out, by volunteering to serve or make a donation for the potluck dinner, please contact Season Long 360-795-5208 and let her know. Actually, if you will be attending, please let her know that as well, as it’s hard to know how much to buy and prepare if you don’t have a head count, so if you’re making plans to head to the Sk. Grange Hall for their potluck Thanksgiving Dinner, it would be great to give her some advance notice!

MAIL EARLY--We hope you’ll take the advice of the folks in our postal system who say you should try to do all your package mailing around the first of December. It seems early but better to mail it early and have them get it, than to wait too long and have it arrive after Christmas. You don’t want that to happen!

GREAT GIFTS--For those that have everything, it’s always a great idea to give a gift like this newspaper, so friends and family can keep up with what’s going on; or how about a donation to any one of our fire stations, or maybe to the fair or one of the historic buildings in our area or our museum? It’s just a great idea to give a gift that keeps on giving and our volunteer folks and their fundraising events are always worth supporting. Here’s hoping we keep all those kinds of groups functioning and supported with community dollars!

NEXT YEAR--It’s a ways off, like next August but Gary Emery is hoping that everyone that went to the Skamokawa Grade School, will come and enjoy their reunion on August 18, which is a Friday and will be held at 1 p.m., at the upper covered area in Vista Park. This is a potluck event so bring a dish to share with the rest. This is during fair time so don’t delay if you plan on staying in the area as places book early. Whether you want to stay at the park, the Skamokawa Resort, one of our several B & B’s in our area or even the Hotel Cathlamet, call them ASAP! It’s a great time to see our county fair and a bunch of other folks who you haven’t seen for awhile as well as your former school mates, so here’s hoping all of you Skamokawa “Kids” will show up. If you went to the school between 1925 and 1966, please share this info and come to Vista Park next August! Contact person: Gary Emery: 360-200-2931.


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