On Tuesdays at noon, WSU Master Gardeners present weekly on-line free programs. No need to register, just pop in. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at zoom.us), then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android from this link: https://wsu.Zoom.us/j/7756056320
Meeting ID: 775 605 6320
Password: 12345
Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782, 775 605 6320#
For help, contact Gary Fredricks at garyf@wsu.edu or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. Workshops are sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master Gardeners.
October 4 - Noon - How to compost successfully (on-line): WSU Master Gardener Brian Schlaefli will teach how to effectively compost food wastes and garden material. Learn the different ways to compost and the advantages of each method that can provide great benefits to your garden.
October 11 - Noon - Planting Bulbs (on-line): WSU Master Gardener Dale Wheeler will explain everything you wanted to know about planting bulbs. You will learn how to get started, when to plant, and how to care for them so they become an annual delight.
October 13 - 6:00 pm - Worm Composting (in-person): Do you realize that about 1/3 of our kitchen scraps end up in the garbage? WSU Master Gardener Art Fuller will describe how to harness the power of worms to recycle food waste and create an amazing soil amendment for our gardens. Learn the process in which red wiggler worms and microorganisms are used to convert kitchen fruit and vegetable waste (peelings, etc.) into nutrient-rich, humus - “black gold” - compost. This is an amazing fertilizer and soil conditioner that will make your garden plants healthier and more productive. This free online workshop will teach you about this method of composting.
You can purchase a simple composting box kit for $30. The kit contains everything you need to begin your vermiculture experience, including worms. The kit also includes an exclusive link to an informative presentation about worm composting followed by step-by-step video instruction for building your own bin.
October 15 - 10:00 am - Evaluating Mason Bees Cocoons (In-person): Billie Bevers, Washington State University Master Gardener will present a workshop on how to evaluate mason bees cocoons for disease. During the spring and summer other bees, diseases and parasites can invade mason bee nests. Learn how to identify what in your mason bee cocoon is still viable and how to reduce disease. The program is sponsored by Washington State University Extension.
October 18 - Noon - Dividing Perennials (on-line): Your plants ae growing and starting to get too big. What do you do? WSU Master Gardener Gail Gibbard will help you learn how to successfully divide your plants to move to other gardens and provide gifts to friends.
October 25 - Noon - Winter care of your Lawn (on-line): The grass has stopped growing and you don’t have to keep mowing every week. During the winter your lawn still needs to be looked after if you expect to have a healthier, more attractive lawn next spring. WSU Extension Coordinator, Gary Fredricks, will explain the steps to maintain a healthy lawn over the winter.
November 1 - Noon - Winter care of Houseplants (on-line): Houseplants can bring beauty into your home during the winter. WSU Master Gardener Kate Martin will discuss how to grow house plants successfully. She will discuss the different types of plants to grow, caring for them and how to avoid many of the problems associated with indoor plants.
November 8 - Noon - Critter control pests in your Garden (on-line): Do you have 4-legged "friends" having parties in your attic? Do deer treat your landscape plants like a buffet? WSU Master Gardener Art Fuller will give you tips to make your garden and home less inviting to these unwanted visitors.
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