Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Salmon derby to take place Thursday-Sunday

Skamokawa News

SUNNY START--After a weekend that saw a few showers out here in West Valley, we were back to sunny skies as this work week begins. Unless things change drastically, it appears we are in for a dry week, and even longer, so it looks like our Summer is going to continue for a bit. Considering there has been some massive flash flooding in other parts of our country, I am certainly happy to be here in the Pacific Northwest at the moment.

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Aug. 25-31, are Katie Phillips, Lou Ann Hedges, Devon Mueller, Audrey Hedman, Bob Wegdahl Jr., Mike Vincent, Tina Fauver, Linda Ougendal, Tyson Bain, Addy Helms, Carter Helms-Carvalho, Meredith Cothren, Doug Peek, Jamie Quigley, Judy Danielsen, Jim Robinson, Sandra Quintero, Vance Mosteller, Debbie Melton, Randy Kuhl, Marlena Eaton, Joe Turgeon, Lori Carroll, Dolly Hartley, Declan Haddix and Wayne Bell.

Those celebrating anniversaries this coming week are Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cruikshank, Larry and Lesley Horman, Mike and Sara Brown, Pete and Patti LaBerge, Ryan and Erica Torppa, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Neilsen and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson. May all of your special days bring you much joy and lasting memories.

COMMUNITY BREAKFAST--Thursdays at the Skamokawa Grange Hall have been a big hit as the free Community Breakfast is still going on there, and Season Long wants to invite you to join them. It’s an open invitation to all so if you think you know of someone who would enjoy this free breakfast and gabfest, why not let them know about it and offer to bring them along with you? This takes place at the hall from 10 a.m., until noon each Thursday, and they hope to see you there. While the breakfast is free, donations are happily accepted.

HOOK THE HAWG--The Salmon Derby at the Elochoman Slough Marina, called “Hook the Hawg” takes place August 25, 26 and 27, so here’s hoping all those that are out and about fishing have some really great luck and wind up one of the big winners! There are several categories and plenty of cash prizes, so here’s hoping you’ll all be safe out on the water and you wind up hooking that “hawg”!

FRIDAY MARKET--Now is the time to remind folks that the Farmer’s Market at the Elochoman Slough Marina will be winding down soon, so head that way this Friday, Aug. 26 from 3 to 6 to get those great deals while you can. This will be the next to last market, with things wrapping up on September 2, so while that seems hard to believe, we’ll be in a new month in just a week!

ORDER BERRIES?--If you ordered berries from the Wahkiakum Lions Club, don’t forget that Friday, Aug. 27 is the pick up date for them. According to their flyer, you had three choices for pick up available to you: the Wahkiakum high school parking lot, or the Skamokawa Grange parking lot or the parking lot in front of the Rosburg Store, so be sure you’re at your designated area by 10 a.m., so you don’t miss out on getting your order!

SUNDAY AT GRANGE--The Skamokawa Grange Hall will host another Drum Circle this Sunday, Aug. 28 at 4 p.m., and everyone is invited to attend. They had quite a large group last time and if you’d like to see what goes on there, come to the Grange Hall at 18 Fairgrounds Road and check it out for yourself. Donations to the Grange are deeply appreciated as they are hoping to raise money for a new heating system.

CLASS OF 62 REUNION--I got a call from Bob Wegdahl and he wanted to remind all members of the WHS Class of 1962 that their 60th class reunion will be held Sept. 10 at the Duck Inn at 11:30 a.m. He also wanted me to let all those WHS alumni who would like to stop by and visit, to please come on down and chat with them. All of us “kids” from the 60s have had some great times together and with our class numbers dwindling, it’s always a good time to get together and visit while we can.

ROD RUN #38--If you love cars but you’ve never been to the “End of the World” Rod Run in Ocean Park, now’s the time to make plans to head that way, as it’s really a spectacular event! It takes place Sept. 10 and 11. I’m sure you can find out all about it on a website for that area, but with the days flying by, I just wanted to give you a heads up about now. I know we have always had some locals that take part in this and it’s just the place to be if you’re a big car buff. Here’s hoping they have a great showing and great weather!

SYMPATHIES--We want to send our sincerest condolences to classmate and friend, Sharon Stout Servis of Indiana, as she lost the love of her life, Billy Joe (BJ) this past week, August 17 after 55 years together. BJ also leaves a son Nicholas (Tina) and grandson Wyatt behind, as well as other family members and we send our sympathies to all of them. A service for BJ will be held in Waterloo, IN on Sept. 3. If you’d like to make a memorial donation on his behalf, you can send it to: New Hope Christian Center, 900 South Wayne St, Waterloo, IN 46793.

IN THE BOOKS--Once again, the Wahkiakum County Fair has come and gone and my little prediction of some moisture during fair time, in the midst of drought, did indeed come true! Thankfully it was not a major downpour but it did settle the dust in the morning hours around here, which was fine for everybody except for the hay makers I imagine. Anyway, I hope you got to go to the fair and help support those who put in their time and hard work as it’s a pretty exhausting time for those who opt to get involved. Once again I did my “no cooking” at home routine during the fair, and I enjoyed the dinners and pie and elephant ears from there and hubby even managed to sneak in a banana split!

While things are fresh in your mind, it’s always a good idea to reflect on what you liked and what you feel could be improved upon and if at any time, you come up with an idea for a new booth or activity, be sure to jot that down and start working towards that goal. Be sure to let the fair manager know what you have in mind and see about working that fun thing into the lineup there. As always, these new ideas need time and money to make happen so if you make a plan now, you can have it turn into a reality next year!

FOUR MONTHS--If you’re reading this paper on Thursday, August 25, then I guess you know that in just four months from today, it will be Christmas Day! While it may seem early to start dealing with the holidays, I think we can all agree that this year has flown by already and if you don’t start doing a little pre-planning right now, you will certainly wish you had.

I am hoping that many of you will remember the Wahkiakum Chapter of “Shoeboxes of Joy” that was such a huge hit last year, as this group gathered items to put in shoeboxes for the elderly or those less fortunate that might not get a gift at Christmas, and delivered dozens of them all across our county. In order to make this a hit once again, I’m hoping you’ll gather some personal care items, or some snack products or small gift items and make up a box to donate this year. If you’re not crafty, or don’t have a shoebox, you can always just collect and donate some items and then a box can be put together by volunteers. The list of possibilities is endless, but decks of cards, envelopes with stamps already on them are a nice touch and of course, gloves and scarves, crossword puzzle books and fruit cups, candies, etc., are but just a few of the things you can fill a box with; maybe even add a new Christmas ornament or figurine. If you want to make a specialized box for a diabetic, that would be great or maybe one that includes pet products; that’s great too. You can make one just for a man or just for a woman, too. I’m hoping we can have even more boxes available to those in need this year. Keep watch for more information about this event but you can always stop by or contact the Wah. Chamber of Commerce office at 102 Main Street – Cathlamet to learn more. Let’s start gathering things today!

BEST GIFT--From the amount of endless inquiries that I see on Facebook about what’s going on in this area, I can tell you that the best gift you can give to many of these friends and family members or neighbors, is a subscription to this paper! The Eagle not only has many paid ads with the upcoming events listed, but there’s also the Calendar of Events and two columnists who also remind you of events. But, if you don’t get the paper, you will constantly be asking someone “what’s going on this weekend?” So, here’s hoping that some of you will give the gift of this paper to that one person in your life that you know really needs to be kept informed, and won’t have to ask you or a bunch of strangers all the time! Happy Holiday Shopping!


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