Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Hendrickson resigns from N/GRV school board

July 19 Naselle/Grays River School Board Meeting

(Updated: The print version incorrectly stated Chuck Hendrickson represented District 2 on the Naselle/Grays River Valley School District board of directors; he actually represented District 3 before resigning. --editor)

Summer meetings can be easily sidestepped on a lovely evening. So it was for the July meeting of the school board of Naselle GRV School District community. One school board member was absent, Amy Chadwick. No one from the community attended it, but one, this reporter. Before the regular meeting started, the board held a budget hearing for the 2022-2023 school year.

With the option of listening in on the phone, both Lonnie Eaton, board member, and myself used that option. Trying that in my home was not a good choice because I could not hear much that was said, so I drove to the school for the regular meeting. It was clear that at the budget meeting there had been discussions that I was not able to hear because of the poor phone reception.

At the regular meeting, it was still a challenge for this reporter to hear what was being said and to catch up with what had transpired earlier. In the coming meetings, this reporter will sit closer to where the board sits. The public was sorely missed at that meeting. Due to the lack of a quorum expected for the August meeting, the next regular board meeting will be Sept. 20.

The agenda was a busy one with discussions on several major items. Actions taken included approving Kellyn Hazen’s change of contract status (removed from interim), and accepting the resignation of Gary Flood, principal at the Youth Camp at end of August. Unfinished business included approval of Policy 2140 for the Comprehensive School Counseling Plan with no action taken yet.

In new business, discussion was held regarding the geographic boundaries for the board of directors. Since the last census did not change populations significantly (total increase of 34) in any of the four districts, the boundaries were left unchanged, with the vote being taken following time for the public to submit their comments to the board by August 16. After that, the board will vote at the next regular board meeting in September.

The board accepted and voted to adopt the proposed budget for the 2022-2023 school year. For more information on the budget, see the school board web site for the July minutes and to see the boundaries map.

The board also voted to approve the budget resolution to extend the Transportation Vehicle Fund from the 2021-2022 school year and the removal of suspension of Board Policy 1400 for board meetings. Due to covid restrictions, the board had earlier voted to restrict their meetings to the Naselle location. By removing that restriction, the board will return to its usual commitment of meeting in Grays River at the Fire Hall several times each school year.

A mention was held on a possible levy in 2024, and a report on the Youth Camp gave no new information. However, Superintendent Lisa Nelson requested the State “keep her in the loop” regarding any decisions made for the camp’s future. The board also approved the purchase of 60 Chromebooks using the Digital Equity grant, not to exceed $27,100.

Nelson reported she is preparing an invoice for the reduced number of students at the Youth Camp; she applied for continuance of covid test funding; and she submitted a grant application for baseball field renovations that included leveling the field and hydroseeding.

The board considered setting aside time to have further discussions in a special meeting. Some of the possible items to be discussed include the board’s current process for hearing concerns from parents and the public, a full policies review, details for surveying the parents and public regarding key issues for the board; and discussions regarding strategic planning, as well as considering committees with board members participating alongside public members.

Then, a discussion was also held on issuing procurement cards (such as credit/debit) for certain individuals on staff and board members. No vote was taken until further concerns can be discussed regarding policies that need to be developed for that to happen.

As the meeting ended, Chair Chuck Hendrickson handed in his resignation as of that day, stating he had served the board for more than eight years and realized his seat needs to be filled by someone else. His announcement brought sadness to the end of the meeting because he has consistently been a committed member, then chair, of the board.

Anyone interested in filling his position who lives in District #3 which includes Salmon Creek – Naselle, can obtain an application by contacting the School office at (360) 484-7121 or emailing Lisa Nelson at

Amy Hunt, who has the vice chair position on the board, will serve as interim chair until the board has voted on a replacement. Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.


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