Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Our beautiful marina

To The Eagle:

When my wife and I first visited Cathlamet we were amazed at the size and beauty of your marina.

We bought land here and had a house built and over the years watched as our marina grew.

Along the way we met the marina manager, Jackie Lea, and in doing so came to realize that she was the person who made the marina, through her efforts and ability, the nicest place to visit and utilize each and every day of the year.

We all should be proud of our marina and thank Jackie Lea for the outstanding job she did over the years.

Jackie, best wishes, enjoy your retirement, you earned it. Thank you for a job well done.

It was nice to read four letters in last week’s paper that were informative, interesting and not have to see one line of Democratic talking points or the Biden blame game.

I wish that everyone has a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day while remembering those that died to keep us free.

Paul Schreiber



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