Saturday, May 14, the 38th annual Great White Tail Run sponsored by Wahkiakum 4-H was held on the Julia Butler Hansen National Refuge. The first person to cross the finish line was Gage Gifford in the 2 mile event, Rochelle Cothren was the top 2 mile female finisher.
Two mile finishers by age group: Male, Under 10: 1. Steve Guitron, 2. Jeremiah Garrett; 10-19: 1. Avery Elliott; 50-59: 1. Duncan Cruikshank. Female: Under 10: 1. Madison Leigh, 2. Emmaline Vik, 3. Sadie Gifford; 10-19: 1. Olivia Johnson;. 30-39: 1. Melissa Garrett, 2. Kristy Gifford; 40-49: 1. Sarah Geiszler, 2. Kristine Groff; 50-59: 1. Heidi Heywood; 60-69: 1. Zena Anagnostov, 2. DiAnna Johnson.
5K top finishers are Alia Gutter and Ryan Garrett. Female: 10-19: 1. Brooke Davis; 30-39: Vanessa Leigh, 2. Amber Frank; 50-59: 1. Mimosa Cummings, 2. Lorraine Carson; 60-69: 1. Mary Frances Chestnut, 2. Ruby Murray; 70& over: 1. Marianne Brightbill. Male: Under 10: Owen Frank; 10-19: Josiah Garrett; 40-49: Derik Frank; 50-59: Andrew Emlen; 70& over: 1. Mike Matthews, 2. David Olson. Top dog, Zip running with Andrew Emlen.
10K top finishers are Kelly Parker and James Sorenson. Female: 30-39: Heather Bergvich; 40-49: 1. Melissa Lai; 50-59: 1. Audrey Peterson. Male: 10-19: Nathan Garrett; 30-39:. 1. Younes Bergvich, 2. Derek Gruetter, 3. Anthony Leigh; 50-59: 1. Daniel Prince; 70 & over: Bill Holmes.
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