Official county total stands at 310; one death reported in last week
With the easy availability of at home tests, it's impossible to know exactly how many cases of covid-19 are actually active in the county. No one tested positive through official channels in the last seven days, and Wahkiakum Health and Human Services is reporting that the cumulative number of cases stands at 310, with one case reported last week remaining active.
The Washington Department of Health is reporting a seventh death in Wahkiakum, as well as 30 known hospitalizations since the pandemic began.
No details have been provided about the latest fatality.
"The United States is experiencing a modest uptick in cases," WHHS Director Chris Bischoff said. "Many of those are in the northeast, Texas, and Alaska.
"Pierce, King, Kitsap, and Whatcom Counties are experiencing fairly elevated case rates. Cowlitz is still at a pretty low case rate, while Clark and Pacific are trending upward into moderate case rates."
The Pfizer vaccine, including a second booster, is available at the WHHS vaccine clinic on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30-3 p.m. Call 360-849-4041 for more information.
The Moderna vaccine, including a second booster, is available at the Cathlamet pharmacy. Call 360-795-3691 for more information.
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