Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Gain cooperative efforts of property owners

To The Eagle:

We have been able to control pockets of knotweed, blackberries, horse tail and alder brush. Though techniques vary, it is not rocket science. Know there are safe products that can be used. Our source for advice and product is Watkins Tractor and Supply in Kelso. There is also plenty of information on the internet.

We totally agree with “Tony Aegerter of Consolidated Diking District No. 1....he’d like to see efforts to educate landowners about weeds....and be part of the effort.” An annual workshop would be effective. Area businesses could offer their expertise and perhaps sell product at a discount. Property owners participating and incurring material costs could be reimbursed by the county.

The county appears to be understaffed with limited funds. To no fault of his own, if the county’s part-time employee is not able to work with property owners, find others who can. But do not let this single issue of staff shortage define failure or success. There are alternatives. Gaining the cooperative efforts of property owners would relieve the county of the overload, get the work done sooner, and for less cost. It is a win win.

Dave and Diane Froode



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