Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

SFA fundraising for firefighter training

Skamokawa News

COLD ENOUGH?--By the time you read this, we may have had some super cold evenings and depending on which weather report is correct, we may even be seeing some snow flurries today. I hope that doesn’t happen but with this cold system moving in, anything is possible. I just hope everybody was prepared for this “arctic blast” and had plenty of extra feed for their outdoor animals and if you had any plants out that you got them covered up ahead of time and were able to protect and save them, as those temperatures in the teens don’t exactly bode well for many young plants.

LAST OF THE MONTH-We are winding down with yet another month and with February being a short month, the end of this one is even quicker. We’ll be welcoming in March on Tuesday and I hope the days slow down a bit, as I’m having a tough time keeping up. However, most of us are tired of winter and would certainly enjoy some warmer, spring-like days, so we can only hope that we have some nice days in the future and not any spring floods!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Feb. 24-March 2 are Mary McLaughlin, Taylee Britt, Wyatt J. Parker, Emery Tomlinson, Shelley Olsen, Tina Robinson, Cindy Elmore, Amanda Zacher, Bruce Hanson, Felicitie Knight, Ursula Jorgensen, Judy Pedersen, Krystal Ellison Zickefoose and 67’ers Truchet Miller & Kathy Peek.

Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wirkkala, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Heagy, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Peek, Brian and Spring Doiron and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Nielson. May all of you have memorable days this week.

NICE SURPRISE--After a delicious Valentine dinner at the Duck Inn, it was quite the surprise when the phone rang after we got home and I was told that I was the winner of their diamond necklace drawing. Wow! I certainly hadn’t expected that and so it was a truly wonderful surprise and I can tell you, it’s a lovely heart shaped pendant with lots of sparkles to it, so thanks so much, Logan Britt; it really made my day! Sometimes a treat comes along right when you really need one; perfect timing for me!

FLEA MARKET--When we talk about the second Saturday of the month in Skamokawa, we are talking Flea Market time at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds. For you new folks, it’s located just off East Valley Road when you make that turn off SR 4 by the Central School/Redmen Hall, located at milepost 29, across for the Skamokawa Resort; you can’t miss it! You are more than welcome to buy a table for $10 and sell your own things or come and browse from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and pick up some great bargains. There are usually vendors selling their homemade items as well. Check it all out on March 12!

BINGO TIME--The Sons of Norway would like to invite you to play bingo at their lodge, the Norse Hall on Puget Island in the evening hours of the second Saturday of each month. Cards are $5 each and cash prizes are awarded. This is a good way to meet some new neighbors and have a little fun as well and even more fun if you happen to be one of the winners! Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with the games beginning at 6 p.m.; spread the news and tell your friends. You can call Jan Silvestri with any questions you may have: 360-431-1705.

CONGRATULATIONS--I just saw where Landon Luce was the National Champion of the NRCHA ( National Reined Cow Horse Association) and to top it off, he’s fourth in the World; wow! He’s some horseman and that horse of his is one fine animal. His Momma, Cara is one proud parent, I can tell you that! Way to go, Landon. We love it when the local “kids” do well!

RAISING MONEY--If there was ever a good cause and being done by good people, it’s the current fundraiser being led by Austin Smith for the Skamokawa Firefighters Association. This group was formed last year to help the local fire departments, who are volunteers, to get the things they need to serve our community. Right now they are trying to raise money for more firefighting training. If you are on Facebook, you can go to Austin’s page and donate via the GoFundMe app. We applaud Austin’s willingness to start this fundraiser and of course his parents, Steve and Lorie Smith and grandparents, Tom and Rosalie Webb are very proud of him. If you’re not a big online donator, I am told you could write a check to them (SFA) and send it to the Skamokawa Fire Department at P. O. Box 145, Skamokawa, WA 98647. Make sure it’s noted for the group above. Thanks for any help you can give.

TRAVELERS--Speaking of the locals, Cindy Seaberg Faubion and daughter, Raedyn Grasseth have been on quite an adventure lately, as they traveled to Africa recently. What an amazing time they had. Thanks to social media, and Cindy’s fantastic photos and narratives, we felt like we were right along with them, and all I can say is, what an amazing trip they had. I think my only “not for me” moment came when they were showing and telling us all about some of the potty break stops that were provided; not exactly ideal! However, considering all the wonderful places they stayed and fabulous scenery and lovely people they met, it’s certainly a trip to remember. I’m so glad I got to “go along” via Facebook! Thanks, Cindy!

CONGRATS--I have to say “Congratulations” to my granddaughter Tessa Sechler, who is a basketball coach for one of the smaller Seattle schools as she and her team won their division and are headed to State! This is an exciting time for them and for Tessa who is enjoying a good run with these girls during her first year of coaching.

STOCKING UP?--It won’t be long and all the winter items will be on sale, so we hope you’re able to purchase a few things while they’re less expensive and stick them away for when the “Shoeboxes of Joy Wahkiakum” program will be collecting things. It seems like a long way off but with the way time is flying by, you’d be surprised how soon it will be here. Besides, if you get a few things each month, you won’t have a big dent in your wallet when it comes time to donate. Remember, there are lots of options to put in those boxes from cards, word search books, cute note pads, nice pen sets, colognes and perfumes, for men and women and anything that might brighten someone’s day.

NOT SO GOOD--Unfortunately there have been several reports of people dumping cats and dogs in our area and out the Elochoman as well. Naturally, neighbors in these areas are deeply upset. We have a great group of people around here who would rather you call them up and make arrangements with a “foster” family before you dump some helpless animal alongside a dirt road. While cats may survive the hawks, eagles, bobcats and coyotes that are all around us, the poor dogs and puppies have a much rougher time of it, so it’s truly heartbreaking to see them discarded like trash. So please, if you need help contact WAAG, Wahkiakum Animal Advocate Group, 360-504-6336 and they can give you a hand. If you see someone dump an animal, please try to get a license plate and report them.

NICE VISIT--It wasn’t a long visit, but I was happy that I got to chat with former resident, Sharon Buennagel while she was here from her home in Hawaii recently. She was plenty busy at her Mom's place while she was here, along with doing some other business, so unfortunately she didn’t make it down here to our town to visit with everybody like she did the last time but maybe next time. At any rate, she got back to the land of sunshine in time to welcome her oldest daughter Abby, who has moved over that way as well, and of course, she had to be home for the 20th birthday of “little” Sara as well. None of us can believe she’s that old already! Again, the ole time machine seems to be in hyper mode and all these “kids” are all grownups now; seems impossible!


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