To The Eagle:
As a recent writer adroitly pointed out, you’re not likely to read about American Communist activities in the local paper. They’re simply not exciting enough. You’d have to subscribe to the People’s World newspaper which informs the 5000 members of the American Communist Party.
Connecticut’s World People’s Committee is a branch of our domestic Communist party and they met recently to present the Amistad Award to four dedicated labor organizers for their tireless efforts to advance worker rights, equality, and social justice.
The Amistad awards were not issued to celebrate any Communist attempt to throttle our democratic freedoms or overthrow our country’s elected government. That sort of subversion is now the province of the American Republican Party and its relentless efforts to replace facts with falsity, suppress access to the polls and intimidate the electorate with threats of armed violence.
Lady, you’re looking in the wrong direction. The assassins stalking liberal democracy are not lurking at the gates -- they already live in your neighborhood. Communism, our traditional bogeyman, has been replaced by a new monster. Republicanism.
JB Bouchard
Puget Island
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