News of Western Wahkiakum County and Naselle
Snow seems to be the word for the New Year! Nine days of snow is overboard a bit. It sure was fun for kids out of school and many off work at home with kids and grandkids. There's another slide on SR 4 east of Cathlamet so some folks will be getting more and more frustrated, first stuck at home from snow and then a landslide from heavy rain.
Denise Blanchard is at Columbia Memorial; Denise, we're all pulling for you.
My weather forecast calls for more rain so it seems we all need to hunker down and live with winter for a bit longer. I am hoping we all are safe, loving and praying for a better year in 2022. May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, may the rain fall soft upon your fields and may God keep you in the palm of his hand till we meet again.
I am thinking about the photos on my old computer that show historic scenes of snow in this area. Here are photos courtesy of Appelo Archives Center in Naselle, open Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Call (360) 465-2414.
From Trudy Fredrickson: My house is a friendly zone. Coffee can be on in minutes. My kitchen table is non-judgmental. Any friend or family who needs to chat is welcome. We can talk, share a laugh or two, or just listen. My fridge is rarely empty, yet we can always order out, eat and cry. You are always welcome! This is an old value that has been lost to technology...a text, facetime, gif or emoji is not the equivalent. There's just nothing quite like good, old-fashioned talks and heart to hearts.
Senior Lunches: Senior Lunch Club will gather on two Wednesdays, Jan. 5 and 19 at Rosburg Hall at noon. January's boxed CAP lunches are available every Thursday for pick-up at noon. To reserve a boxed lunch, call Denise at (360) 762-3111.
Calendar: One new activity is Community Breakfasts including biscuits and gravy, and coffee at the Skamokawa Grange at 18 Fairgrounds Road in Skamokawa. Bring your own mug and a treat to share. Breakfast gatherings will be on Thursday mornings in January from 10 a.m. to noon. Sponsored by SpeakUpWahkiakum @
January 8: 4-H 2022 Kickoff at Johnson Park in Rosburg across from the Grays River store. It's for ages five and up. Activities include crafts, baking and robotics projects. No charge for the day and need not be in 4-H to participate. RSVP requested to:
January 10: A standing aerobics class is being offered at Johnson Park starting January 10 at 6 p.m. It's scheduled for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It is intended more for seniors, but all are welcome. The class lasts for 30 to 40 minutes and it's free of charge.
January 12: Grays River Enhancement/Diking District meeting at Johnson Park at 5:15.
Word for the Week: Optimism.
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