Wow! What a turnout for Turkey Bingo. Thanks to everyone who came out and played. Lots of fun was had by everyone even though we ran out of propane. Thanks to all the sponsors for all of the raffle donations and an extra huge thank you to Walmart in Warrenton for the TV.
The fairgrounds will be busy in December. On the 4th we will have the holiday Bazaar, on the 11th we will have the Flea Market and on the 10th & 11th, and 17th & 18th we will have the Christmas Lighting drive-thru. Also on the 11th the flea market vendors will be staying late and the fair board will be having a Spaghetti Dinner from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. So come on down to all these events; we will be having some fun and you will probably find some great Christmas gifts or treasures to take home.
Now onto some good news. Every couple years the Washington State Department of Agriculture gives out Health and Safety Grants to fairs across the state of Washington. So here are some totals for grants that we have received: In 2015 we were awarded $89,964.00 to get the restrooms up to ADA code and new showers, etc., in 2017 we were awarded $51,544.00 for the new bleachers in the arena, in 2019 we were awarded $13,527.00 for new roll-up doors on the food booth and the Lions Club bingo booth. This year the stakes were higher. The WSDA was allowing each fair to submit grants for up to $250,000.00. We submitted three grants totaling $264,609.18. The three grants were for #1 regrade and pave the fairgrounds for $173,730.00; we were awarded $159,121.00. Grant #2 New Swine, Goat and Sheep barn for $80,529.00 which we received the entire amount and Grant #3 ADA walkway around horse barn outside stalls and last row of concrete in the barn for $10,350.00 which we received the entire amount. So as you can see we will be very busy at the fairgrounds this next year. We will be having some work parties to get things prepared for these things to happen and will be asking for volunteers to help do some of it. So if you would like to help call the office (360)795-3480 and leave me your name and I will put you on my list. Also watch the Facebook page to find out when these work parties will be taking place.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
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