Besides approving their agenda and standard resolutions, Wahkiakum County commissioners had only one item of business when they met Tuesday.
Commissioners approved a shoreline management conditional development permit from Paul Bakkom and Holly E. Guntermann to install a dock at in the Columbia River at their West Sunny Sands residence.
The dock would be 8' x 40' and be accessed via a 105' ramp and walkway supported by four steel pilings. The county planning commission reviewed the permit application and approved it, finding that it met conditional use standards.
During discussion of the permit application, Planning Commission Chair Bob Ward asked commissioners what, if anything, they'd like to do about the county's comprehensive plan. The last review was done in 2006, Ward said.
County Permit Coordinator/Planner David Hicks suggested delaying comprehensive work until the state Department of Ecology has approved the county's proposed update to the Shoreline Management Program. They need to be tied together, he said.
"We're still working on getting that done so we can send it off to Ecology," Hicks said.
"Let's put it on the agenda for January," said county commission Chair Gene Strong.
In other discussion, Commissioner Lee Tischer observed lots of concern among members of the Washington State Association of Counties about state mandates for covid-19 testing and other mandates. Members were concerned about their capacity to meet mandates and about what labor unions will say.
Association members will meet with legislators, the governor and the state Department of Health later this year to discuss the concerns.
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