Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Critics award me too much credit

To The Eagle:

After reading last week’s Eagle letters, I scurried to my archives, unearthed the 8/19 edition, and ascertained that I am indeed the vaunted “neighborhood opinion troll.” I humbly accept that honorific appellation – with one minor clarification. I did opine that we would repair the damage done to the election machinery, and we obviously haven’t, so that was a “mistake,” one of the many utterances that fall under the left’s broadly inclusive definition of “lie.” In two letters last December, I submitted facts about the election fraud; one was truncated and the other rejected, generating a flurry of emails and an uncongenial editorial.

That little tempest has some salubrious fallout including swelling of the ranks of the local Republican party, and the establishment of a newsletter that anyone can receive simply by supporting the Republican cause ( The hostility and conflict were readily supplied by that damaged election which brought us a regime characterized by breathtaking power hunger, greed, and incompetence, plunging us into the deadly trifecta of a botched pandemic recovery, invasion at our southern border, and Middle East disaster. Public response has been to flee the most tyrannized cities and states and retreat from jobs and professions most affected by mindless government and corporate mandates.

I’ve tried to contribute to that side of the dissension, but fear my critic awards me far too much credit. Eagle readers of a certain age will recall my past CIA-PIGS pledges to get us an aviation facility (Catlamet International Airport – Puget Island Grass Strip), and I’ll renew those efforts in case we have to stage a Saigon/Kabul type withdrawal. That probably won’t be necessary, though, since the local citizenry (and our elected officials) have handled these multiple crises with equanimity, professionalism, and, with a couple of notable exceptions, an intact sense of humor.

Howard Brawn

Puget Island


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