News of Western Wahkiakum County and Naselle
Dear Readers: Good morning. Have you poured a cup of coffee to read the paper? I can't start my day without it. We sure had a busy, fun weekend. Great to have the fair open again. The Loggers Reunion went well. But I feel fall coming in the mornings making it chilly for me to drink my coffee on the back porch. Ben, my dog, likes it when I start the day out there with him. And I like being out there. Cold mornings mean I can't hear the morning radio on KMUN through the open door. Bummer. Reminder: If you know of an upcoming event, please email or phone me with details so they can be included in this column. This author also loves babies so baby announcements, or birthdays, are most welcome here. Contact info is at top of each Dispatch.
Skamokawa Methodist Church: So sad to hear it's closing and won't be a church anymore. As a community, we need our churches. Schools, churches, Granges, and more, illustrate our values and principles, and our faith. It's my hope the Skamokawa Methodist building will continue to be a symbol of our community and a welcome to visitors. And I hope it can remain used by the public, if possible.
Book Sale at Archives Center: The Friends of the Naselle Timberland Library will host a used book sale this Friday and Saturday at the Appelo Archives Center in Naselle. The sale will be open from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. on both days. Prices are $1 for hardback books and 50 cents for paperbacks, and half-price on everything after 1 p.m. There is a children's area upstairs in the library at the center, so bring the kids, too, so they can pick out a book for themselves. Any questions, contact the Appelo Archives Center at (360) 484-7103 or the Timberland Library at (360) 484-3877.
School is starting: The Naselle Grays River School District's 2021-2022 school year will open on September 2. The last school year was tough. Let's hope this year our kids will be "at home" in their school rooms all year long! The district's web site states, "In accordance with the recent Governor's mandate, all students and adults, regardless of vaccination status, must wear masks when inside the school. Additionally, if anyone has symptoms or has recently been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID (and is not vaccinated), please contact us to make alternate arrangements."
Masks are not optional; they are required. But masks mean our children will be safely educated in a school setting with other children. Socialization is so important for all our students. Learning together, talking with each other, accepting that we are not all the same are all important aspects of public schools. Have a great year, kids!
Photos of the Week - Yard Art: #1 After making a trip to Longview last week, Ben and I decided to take Beaver Creek Road to see a carved image I'd heard about. It's not far from the Elochoman end of Beaver Creek Road. It is art and then some. I don't know who owns it, but I was very impressed with that big bigfoot, as well as a bear and I think there's an eagle, too, all lined up on the driveway. I took the photo to show its size with small building behind. I hope many of you will make a trip up Beaver Creek if you haven't already seen that Bigfoot carved from a tree that was cut high up because it truly is a Bigfoot. It's near a mailbox that says 131. It's not my usual territory but had to make sure Bob Pyle sees it. I also looked up Dan and Paula Cothren's new home at end of Crown Camp Road off the Elochoman Road. You can see it at the end as you head down Crown Camp. Dan built their new home almost on the spot where he grew up on Duck Creek at Family Camp. Dan has lived in a logging environment all his life. It's a lovely spot and illustrates again how much home and family means to those who grew up here.
Art #2: Driving toward the Willapa Refuge on Parpala Road out of Naselle, watch for the address 496 and you'll see an old pickup at the driveway entrance. Don't know the year it was made but it's Dave and Lori Westerlund's old truck with the hood up and an old "straw man" looking into the engine. Flowers surround it so it's an illustration of making art out of history. Do you have some art in your yard? Flowers, old farm and logging equipment are seen often. They teach as well as entertain.
Timberland Library Book Sale at the Archives Center will be on August 27 and 28 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bring the kids, too.
Carol Penttila's Celebration of Life will be on Saturday 8 at 1 p.m. at the Naselle Community Center.
Naselle/Grays River School Starts September 2 before Labor Day weekend. Then students return on September 6 after Labor Day.
Bingo at Johnson Park: September 25 from 6 – 8 p.m. Plenty of food and prizes.
Covered Bridge Dinner: Set for October 4 at the Bridge in Grays River. A limited number of tickets will be available soon.
Pumpkin Patch will be open on October 2 at 10 a.m. at Miller Homestead at 5127 W. SR 4 located just before Deep River Camp on west end of Deep River highway bridge. More info to come.
Senior Lunches: CAP's box lunches will be available today, August 26 at noon at Rosburg Hall. Today's lunch will be Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies, strawberry parfait. Call Denise at (360) 762-3111 to order yours. The Senior Lunch Club enjoyed having Austin and Nicole Burkhalter and their four children as guests at a Lunch Club luncheon this past month. Austin asked for input on how Port 2 can better serve the county's west end. Good feedback helped Austin, port commissioner for the Westend, gather input. Austin would welcome input from any residents in the area. He can be reached at (360) 465-2768.
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