The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors held its monthly meeting on August 17.
In personnel matters, the Board acknowledged the resignations of Aldrich Smith, assistant boys’ basketball and baseball coach. The resignation of Amber Haataia, regular route bus driver, and the hire of Erick Campisi, regular route bus driver were approved. Other personnel matters included the resignation of Kayti Updike, middle school volleyball coach, and the hire of Kayti Updike, C-squad volleyball coach. The resignation of Russell Hickman, middle school girls’ basketball coach, and the hire of Russell Hickman, head girls’ basketball coach. The board hired Ryley Queener, middle school football coach, and William ‘Cody’ Olsen, teacher, pending background check, along with Kelsi Nelson, conditional teacher.
In other matters, the board approved overnight and out of district travel for fall sports and activities, a school nursing contract with Pacific County, not to exceed $20,000, salary changes to the Naselle Coaches’ Contract, and Policy 3510, the waiver of student body athletic fees for students who qualify for free and/or reduced price lunch. The board also approved a list of items for surplus. In a final matter of business, the board approved its goals for the 2021-22 school year.
Eleven community members were in attendance to express their concerns over recent masking mandates in school and during athletic events. Currently masks are being mandated by the governor for school, but some allowable exceptions are being considered for athletes in their seasons of participation. The majority of those in attendance spoke against mask wearing, but others expressed their concerns for the welfare of the community and their children and grandchildren.
The next board meeting is scheduled for September 21, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Reader Comments(1)
Aparent writes:
Only 1 person spoke in favor of mandatory masks. I was there. UNMASK OUR CHILDREN
08/19/2021, 10:45 am