We all appreciate our gardens and even more when it includes birds and other wildlife. On August 10 at noon, WSU Master Gardener Adam Weeks will discuss which plants you can grow that are wildlife friendly and will attract animals to your garden.
Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at zoom.us), then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: https://wsu.zoom.us/j/7756056320?pwd=RzVxbTl0dXpyUjJjSDdsWnJuTXdydz09
Meeting ID: 775 605 6320
Password: 12345
You can also call in by phone (no Zoom account necessary).
Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782 775 605 6320#
For help, contact Gary Fredricks at garyf@wsu.edu or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. The workshop is sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master Gardeners.
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